The alien chicks look like those broken-pottery craft projects....
The alien chicks look like those broken-pottery craft projects....
I puke in my mouth a little each time I see it. Y'all are making it really hard on me today....
I saw gold bricks at first.
Yay Finland!
I just started at a gym on Monday, and holy fuck the elliptical.... Do not attempt unless you have proper arch support. I lasted 7 minutes.
Sounds like my neighbor's dog (who suddenly disappeared...?). She would howl and howl and howl.... It was like a tragic opera. I think she was a husky mix.
My initial reaction was :o , but my fiance has owned snakes (and cried like a baby when they died). They have to eat, too.
For sure. I wouldn't be able to do it; I'd have to keep all of them!
What babies! The first one is particularly precious. How could anyone hurt such a darling.
He reminds me of my sister's dearly departed Stud Muffin. What a doll.
Yay! All the babies! I can't tell if this is going to work, but these are my girls. Tira, on the left, I got as a puppy from the shelter nine years ago. Willow is our new baby who we got in August. This was taken the day we brought her home.
I'm dying. These are the cutest ever. I will get a bulldog and get him a bowtie collar and name him Pickering. It has to happen.
Think Geek is paradise.
In all honesty, I had to google Laurence. I do see a resemblance between him and Jackson, but for Pete's sake.... We're talking about SAM JACKSON here. How can you confuse him with ANYONE?
My step-brother's dog buries things. Yeah, she'll do it outside like a normal dog. But she also does it in the couch. She'll stick it between the cushions and then to the exact same movements that she would do if she were really burying it, down to using her nose to push air over it. It's hilarious to watch.
Christ. That is my absolute worst nightmare. I'm so sorry for your loss. :(
Not necessarily. My adult rescue destroyed our couch within a week of bringing her home. She's also demolished my lunch box, a bra, two pet beds, a blanket... you get the idea.
Wait, what? 5'5" and 115 lbs would be a BMI of 19, which is at the very bottom end of the normal range.
I wish I had someone to run my emails by before I send them. I'm the only person left in our office, so I have no filter for my responses to stupid customers.
Definitely. If I were to ever get a tat, that would be it.