
Indeed. I live outside of Charlottesville, which is a little blue dot in our sea of red. In my area, pretty much everyone votes Republican except the transplants and a few forward-thinking, college-educated natives. (There's also an interesting bunch who voted for/support Obama, but vote 100% Republican the rest of

Everyone was terrible in that movie. If you can make Ewan McGregor and SAMUEL L. FREAKING JACKSON seem like robots, you might want to stick to the creative side and let someone else direct. And write the dialog.

The Coruscant balcony scene (where Padme is brushing her CURLY HAIR) is the WORST THING.

So, hopefully EVERY Star Wars fan. (And why limit it to RotS? He shouldn't exactly be winning awards for AotC, either....)

Nerds 4 Life

This is my most recommended post ever. It's ridiculous how this makes me feel.

My mom taught me to spray on one wrist and then rub them together, and then one at the back of the neck. I've taken to one spritz in my cleavage, too.... >.>

I have a shirt that says "Meh." across the front. I feel it sums me up nicely.

As a depressed person, "whatever" is my response to just about everything.

Seconded. It's official.

TRUTH. I've shopped for clothes at Target exactly twice. I gave them the benefit of the doubt the first time, thinking they were just having a bad day, maybe.

That makes me feel physically ill. I've lived in central Virginia since 1997 and have never witnessed an adult make a racist comment to anyone's face. Among like-minded people, sure. I wonder if they just don't TALK to each other ever?

I mean, I'm glad I've never seen this kind of thing happen. It makes me incredibly

Jesus. I'm in the south and never experienced anything like that. Can I ask when you were in school?

Good! A healthy, normal reaction.

Gorramit, I never shop at Target, but I just had to buy a gift there this year. All over some freaking baby clothes.

Sy has always seemed a little more accepting than Phil. More the live and let live type. I hope I'm right.

So ridiculous that it's even necessary.

I'm not going to hold my parents out as shining examples of sex educators, as they didn't ever talk to me about birth control. THAT, unfortunately, is still pretty standard.

Also, have never met a Mormon who told me they didn't believe in dinosaurs. I'd have to show them the door at that point. I'm usually pretty

My mother-in-law told me (multiple times) about a lady she knows who totally for-real got pregnant from a toilet seat when she was a virgin.

Ooooohkay, I just want to jump in here as a Mormon to point out that's not how ALL of us are taught. Obviously this was a while ago and maybe that was more common then, but not a one of my peers didn't know what sex was.