I'm cool with that. "Making dinner" or "helping make dinner" were options on our chore chart when I was a kid, and those were my favorite.
I'm cool with that. "Making dinner" or "helping make dinner" were options on our chore chart when I was a kid, and those were my favorite.
Chocolate cream pie, chocolate cheese pie, chocolate glazed chocolate tarts....
This wasn't exactly a warm-and-fuzzy "cooking with mom" experience, but your polenta-stirring reminded me....
I couldn't get past that, either. I was wondering if she had done it on purpose, honestly.
Sad!. I STILL like that show. He is the only man wearing a bowtie who I can respect.
Most excellent.
Hmmm. Yeah, that was a pretty special one.... Eurgh. I don't see how you forget one is already in there. They are so uncomfortable for me.
I'm more of a Vicodin gal. Percocet sends me into rages, for some reason. I got it once, and now whenever I need pain meds, my boyfriend tells the doctor that under no circumstances is he to prescribe me Perc.
Jesus. I don't even... why...? WHY would someone wait that long?!
Well, REban blow jobs. They were only officially legalized here like, last year I think.
Virginia is blood-red, mostly. Northern Virginia, Richmond, and Norfolk (and Charlottesville!) are just dense enough to tip the scale for Democrats. I'm not at all surprised by those numbers.
I checked the results around 8:00 last night and was terrified to see him in the lead. I hovered over my phone obsessively until after 10:00 to make sure McAuliffe gained ground. DAMN close.
I grew up in Arizona, and my school was probably something like 20% Native. I've been on the East Coast for 16 years, and the ONLY Native (that I recognized as one) that I have met was a fella who came into the convenience store I worked at about once a week to buy American Spirits.
It's not a catfish. It's a plecostomus. :| I couldn't focus after that....
I've spent most of my life without cable, and I wouldn't change it for the world. All we had was PBS when I was a kid. Arthur, Bill Nye, Kratts' Creatures, Wishbone.... I learned so much more from those shows than I would have from the garbage my peers were watching on Nickelodeon.
I think like half of the guys in my graduating class were named Chris. It all makes so much sense now.
I second that.
It was pretty clear. You had me for two or three sentences before I picked it up. I thought that "real, not-made-up, scientific differences" was kind of a dead giveaway.
When I drive through our downtown area, I often see people with really interesting or just sassy clothes. I always get the urge to say something as I drive by, but I'm too shy. There was this one lovely short and curvy girl wearing these awesome hot pink skinny jeans....