
Back in the day there was a bumper sticker that said “if you hate cops, next time you need help call a hippie.” There are a lot of different reasons for the “cop hate” attitudes. Most of them seem to be based on personal experience, or the stuff we see reported in the media. (see asshole cop in La. who beats motorist

Ah, yes... the old “Gosh yes I do intend to spend a lifetime licking boot-leather in case I need some help some day” approach to policing and criticism thereof rears its pointy head.

Remember your love for cops next time one is giving you a three-over ticket in a 70 zone. #FREEDOM #MURICA #BACKTHEBLUE

The Supreme Court has ruled police officers have no duty to protect you.

As others have pointed out, they don’t solve crimes a majority of the time and I have personal experience with that.  The only reason they “caught” the guy who stole my motorcycle was that the dumbass wrecked it and put himself in the hospital. 

They aren’t coming to help regardless, and they aren’t going to solve the crime after-the-fact, either (statistically speaking). Sixty percent of reported rapes in my city and over half of all murders are never solved. Property crimes are solved at a rate of less than 20%.

That badge in combination with the vanity BRUSER fallen hero’s plate screams this person is most likely a douche, cop or not.

What? So they can show up half an hour later to do some paperwork?

Remember your disdain for cops [like Derek Chauvin] next time someone [like George Floyd] is committing a crime against you [like passing a counterfeit twenty to buy some smokes]. That way you can avoid doing something silly, like call them to help you [because they’ll fucking execute him in the street for that

There is a difference between being sympathetic to how shitty a job being a police office is in 2021, and being the sort of freak who puts a police interceptor badge on every car he owns (regardless if he actually is a cop or not). The latter is 99.99% a completely unhinged moron who thinks George Floyd deserved it.

Seriously, I’d bet my life that after he posted this ad, this guy went straight to the Challenger forums to resume a months-long argument that George Floyd was asking for it, the vaccine is helping Covid spread, DeSantis would be a great president, etc.

There is no denying the majority of cops are shit heads. Literally the majority. This includes those that enable the REAL shitty ones.

The vanity plate with “Honoring Fallen Officers” drives walks the point home: this dumbass is either a cop or a cop wannabe. Either way, he can FRO.

So, I’m going to be “that guy’ and disagree with most of this list.


The GTI (excluding the original). MK3/4 is kind of the epitome of it. Yes, they are more fun than the standard golf, but they’re definitely compromise cars. They’re sorta fun, sorta good handling, useful, but not extremely good at any of those things. That’s partially the charm of it for a single car, but also

Tesla Model 3. It has some weird halo effect despite being ugly and having a bargain basement interior... And that's before getting into the quality issues. It drives fine, it's fast, and electric... But since when does that get it a free pass when it also costs $50k?

Well this is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve read yet today.  Well done.

You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders:

1 - Never get involved in a land war in Asia
2 - Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line
3 - Never argue logic with a Florida Man

Eh, the emotional trauma of people seeing your mangled body smeared across the pavement because you choose not to belt up counts too. It’s people like you that are so dense and self-centered in not seeing how this feature isn’t about “you”, but about others who choose not to belt up. 

Having lived through the ignition interlock debacle of 1974 I can say that requiring a seatbelt on before even tarting the engine was stupidand everyone disabled those. Requiring a seatbelt to shift into gear seems like a reasonable compromise.