I mean, those front bumpers though...
I mean, those front bumpers though...
The lack of sound was to not offend fellow early Boomers and their HOAs. Truly the first snowflake generation.
Convertibles makes the lack of track prowess okay. Everyone should own one in their lifetime. After buying one I know I will always have one.
It cracks me up when people refer to new automatics as slushboxes when the ZF 8-speed in the Stinger is basically a magic box of wonder. I’ll always have a manual in my track car, but I have that transmission in my daily and I truly can’t say enough good things about it. But okay grandpa, go back to yelling at clouds…
I was wondering what happened to the Suzuki too.
Compared to the other Colorados of approximately the same age, it’s a bargain.
This kid needs a baseball bat to the knees.
Pretty sad day when the most valuable car company on the planet can't get away with fraud.
Given that Volvo has idled and slowed multiple production lines and sent press releases when it did, the reputation for honesty in car salespeople remains unchanged.
The sad thing is that the wreckers are probably already there. The odds that there wasn’t at least one in a couple mile radius are low.
I’ve already replied to this story, but there’s this other part that I can’t help but comment on:
Just so you know, I paid good money for the coffee I spit over my keyboard.
No one’s outraged that he wanted to use red, white, and blue.
It’s a tacky, unoriginal livery that lacks any class, panache, or refinement.
imagine a world whether other people’s choices in transportation don’t affect the environment all kids will have to live with and the safety of everyone else on the road.
Just got back from a road trip across Oregon. Besides Portland most of the state is basically prime MAGA-Land. I swear about 95% of the males up there drive the SAME fucking kind of truck: GIANT, lifted, with loud exhausts and “scary” looking stickers and whatnot. They look... Stupid. As in a blown up version of a…
I “trouble myself” with it because larger trucks and SUVs can be directly correlated to increased pedestrian fatalities and lead to a worse driving experience for those of us who don’t drive thirty foot tall compensation machines.
But it is okay when you do it. You’re special. Important even.