
I realize that its more of a safety thing now than anything else (either the weirdo thing wasn’t safe, or making the car safe is so expensive now they can’t afford to put money into weirdo stuff and keep the price down), so there is no comic-book-esque supervillain to shake our fists at...

Eventually he will injure or kill someone. I hope that when he does, the victims hire me to sue him into utter financial ruination so that I can buy myself a nice new electric not-Tesla vehicle.

The only time I have been in an ambulance was due to slightly blacking out. I couldn’t remember a few things that happened, an ambulance was called, EMTs gave me a look over, sat in the back for 15 minutes, drank some water, was let go, and received a bill later in the mail for $600. Most expensive bottle of water

Yeah, but in this country, going to the hospital means being in debt for the rest of your life.

Have you ever seen what an ambulance can cost? If I’m conscious and not in imminent mortal danger, I’d just get a ride to the hospital from someone else.

Because in the arena of public opinion, expressing a dislike of Ms. Yi is taken as opposition to those ideas.  

It’s okay to stand against abuse, to agree Rogen should do everything on that list, and to still dislike Ms. Yi.

It would take a maniac to pay that much. But I bet someone will do it eventually.

I wonder how their “approval” rate for treatment compares to most insurers...

I evaluated, and realized life is too short to drive a boring 32-year old car with annoying seatbelts and a stupid DIY tint.

I’ve shared my health issues here a couple of times; in the fall of ‘17 I was diagnosed stage IV-a colo-rectal cancer w/ peritoneal metastasis at 38 and am currently experiencing no evidence of disease. The only reason I am sitting here typing this is that I was well insured and had and HSA with a $10K balance

It would be a terrific ~$3k DD to just get someone to and from the office or school, including the current spike in used car costs and AWD demand. 

Why? Not only is this incredibly ugly, but its over 30 years old and has a rare drivetrain. Why would I want to bother with that? $6200 is way to much for a hideous plane-jane car with 1 [minorly] redeeming factor. For that money I could find an awd CRV or Rav4 which would be a far better buy

$6200 for a 32 year old Camry? High book is less than half the asking. I’d consider maybe $3500 because it’s clean. There’s thousands of newer cars for less money than this thing

No need.  Anything would be better than this turd.

Hey now, you may think you’re cynical, but I could introduce you to some of my Gen X friends from college, we own the fuckin’ market on cynical. We were full-on cynical when we were working at Blockbuster in the 90's, watching Reality Bites and Kevin Smith’s good movies. We’re so cynical we didn’t even really form an

As a Canadian, this practically makes me weep. Why someone would ever be made to pay for a life saving operation just boggles my mind. I don’t get it. I understand the politics behind it, and the shear power the medical lobby has in the US. But holy shit. This is the 21st century, not the Roman Empire. I’m at a loss

Maybe you should read it with an open mind and an empathic heart. However, from your comment, I doubt you have either.  I'd suggest the movie, but I don't expect you would like having your eyes opened to a reality other than your own. 

Its been said here but the US healthcare system is a mess. And largely, but not entirely, its due to the Profit Motive. Because healthcare isnt like anything else, you will at some point in your life need healthcare. And the AMA pushed HARD against universal healthcare in the 40s and 50s.
