
I don’t know why any manufacturer would give anyone from Jalopnik an SUV/CUV to review as this “all SUVs are too damm big! remember when they made manual wagons? weren’t those the days?” old man yells at cloud shit is always the result. Jalopnik should consider hiring someone who doesn’t actively despise the entire

Most EV owners are peak assholes themselves from experience regardless.  Not saying it’s right that he did it.  I award him two stars for how clever it was though.

Good for him and he seems to keep is clean as the salt and potholes of the Minneapolis area are very hard on cars.

It still baffles me that mask wearing, the easiest to follow, least disruptive part of this whole damn pandemic has become such an issue for people. I have trouble wrapping my mind around that level of idiocy and selfishness. I’m fully vaccinated and would wear a mask into the next fucking decade if it meant saving

In MAGA country, “freedom” means “I get to do whatever I want, and you also get to do whatever I want.”

absolutely. anti-science and anti-society covidiots can walk to their destinations for all i care. 

Beautiful car, but nothing with over 150,000 miles is worth over 1oK.

Needs muzzle ports and a shorter, bullpup-design defensive weapon.

And the previous report of this issue mentioned the customer not even getting through to them to discuss the absurd increase. You don’t need Tesla to get the blow off treatment from a shady roofer

You know, I have to imagine panel gaps are a pretty serious issue on a roof.

A lot of people here sure don’t seem to know what old trucks cost these days.

Easy NP, apparently I am an asshole owner as a tune and opening up the exhaust would be a plus to me, not something to fix. Deleting the cat would be a different story.

Go easy on the owner. The V6 in this car sounds incredible, and the factory exhaust is too quiet. And what about the owner wanting more power is a hallmark of a “bro racer douche”? Have you ever modified a car? 

Easy NP. The supercharged V6 in these cars sounds gnarly, but the factory exhaust is far too quiet on XE models, which explains the resonator delete. The only thing I don’t like (and I really don’t like it) is the black wheels. What a garbage fad. And as far as the ECU flash goes... I would love to see the Venn

There HAS to be some level of drinking or drugs involved in this, right? Just lie to me if not; I can’t accept this is the outcome of sober thinking

I’m concerned that you’d consider it for $1,900. I’m not sure id take it for free. Otherwise - pretty spot on take imo! 

This car is pointed squarely at me.

It’s all the warning you need that this vehicle is a bad and disappointing idea: