
This may just be Porsche as a company purchasing this Cyber Truck to benchmark it and deciding to go through this particular dealership. It’s not an unprecedented move. A bunch of the large automakers did this earlier on with other Tesla models. The limited availability of Tesla models at launch means they they might

This take is clearly coming from someone who has never experienced Badeschiff... The Germans are good at creating a novel pool experience...

Let this story be an example of a well known phenomenon. VAG cars are designed to be leased, abused, and then passed onto the sucker willing to buy them used. Any of us that have had the fortune?misfortune? of driving any Audi or VW over 100k miles have lived to tell the tale. That initial $2600 should have been put

In my personal experience, even with excellent credit you can often get lower interest rates via the manufacturer’s financing arm vs most banks

Can’t we just accept that he doesn’t like living in the UK? No offense meant... but if you have as much money as Hamilton, why would you want to live there? If I was him, I’d take my free knighthood and fuck off back to Monaco too.

Can’t we just accept that he doesn’t like living in the UK? No offense meant... but if you have as much money as Hamilton, why would you want to live there? If I was him, I’d take my free knighthood and fuck off back to Monaco too.

But then you would be driving a Prius... Your driving skills would decrease instantly upon purchasing by at least 2x and you would become one of the most hated drivers on the road. This is no bueno.

Couldn’t agree more. Whomever made that suggestion hasn’t had the fortunate? unfortunate? pleasure of running an Audi or VW into the ground and/or dealt with corresponding costs. He’d be lucky to get 1/3 of the mileage out of a Golf that he got out of Accord. VAG vehicles are for driving the wheels off via lease and

Shitty car, shitty color. Mystery solved.

BMW doesn’t call their “SUV(s)“ by that name, they call them “SAV(s). Direct from the source: “While technically the X5 is a mid-sized crossover SUV, the company has dubbed it an SAV, which stands for Sport Activity Vehicle.”

If Tesla wants to do this in a legitimate way, they need to provide up front, limited time software license agreements for different features. No different than companies like BMW have done with head unit features like real time traffic, concierge, etc. In the case of re-sale, the terms are obvious.

If I spend $75k+ on a vehicle - I expect to hear the thunder and feel the rumble down under.

I agree with most of what you said, but having lived in areas with snow/ice for most of my life - understanding how to handle a car when it loses traction is invaluable. Most drivers impulse reactions/moves when they lose traction are incorrect because they lack the proper experience and muscle memory to know how to

Not to mention that our highway infrastructure in the US is not even close to the same quality standard as Germany from a construction or maintenance perspective.

This seems like a non-story... BS’ing height and weight up or down is a part of every major competitive sport down to the elite high school level at least. Sports where speed is the primary goal will play down athlete weight.. sports where physicality is involved will generally exaggerate height and weight... Nothing

It doesn’t need to make sense. It’s provocative and gets the people going.

The doctor/surgeon example couldn’t be less relevant from a business perspective. Surgeons don’t need to build strong relationships with their patients to win the right to perform surgery.

Not sure where that point of view comes from or what evidence you have of that... But in my experience as one of those “business travellers” - it’s totally incorrect.

You have to be a true masochist to desire riding a matte black Ducati in any weather above 70° F

You can go worse than matte black... Look no further than vantablack.