
He was pretty open about his struggles with addiction.

Thanks for clarifying, the article is completely meaningless with this omission. /s

I don’t understand why I have to keep reiterating this. They work, they just flash in a color that the poors can’t perceive. 

they are all complicit. Donald sat on his hands for nearly a month saying nothing was coming in. now congress is fighting over a stimulus.

Does not fucking matter. It was configured with those features and they didn’t own the car when it was ‘flagged’. This is bullshit. 

“...create an SUV nobody wants...”

“This is a perfect case of Ferrari ass-showing: create an SUV nobody wants”

Alternatively, don’t buy cars that have ECU programmed to make unnecessary backfires, cracks and pops. It is stupid.


So, that would include most of the cars that Ferrari and Lamborghini have ever built? Not sure I understand why a loud car should be restricted only to people who live their lives “1/4 mile at a time.”

or he doesn’t have ears.

Love to be annoyed by a middle aged dentist who wants to make up for his inadequacies”

I’d just throw a lift kit on the model three and call it a day.

You must be joking.  If you need an ET (electric truck???) in that timeframe it will have a Ford or Chevy badge on it.

I’m not a fan of the Pats or Trump, at all, but saying there should be a conversation about “wiping his entire legacy blank” because of the man’s political affiliations is just kind of an extremely silly thing to say. Shit like that is what the Donald and co use to discredit any actual discourse because otherwise the

Licensing is stricter, traffic laws are stricter, and the culture is simply more orderly. That last one is obviously a subjective generalization, and I will not try to argue that every single German is more prone to following rules and cultural norms than every single American but... try jaywalking in an American

It’s all bullshit.

That tracks.  Thanks for the clarification.

I don’t need to go into specifics about my career with an internet stranger, but face-to-face contact is still valuable in a lot of industries, and will make the difference between success and failure. There is still a ton of business in this world that gets done in person whether you understand it or not. 

Then you don’t have a job that requires travel. Those of us that are road warriors have jobs where the physical presence makes a difference. 

You have no appreciation for the value that field-based employees bring to the success of your organization. Most business travelers are customer-facing, and are involved directly in selling product. As in, they are generating the revenue that justifies the existence of office based functions such as R&D, quality