You obviously have not been to Japan. If you’re a Westerner, expect to bow, shake, bow, business card, bow, shake, bow. It’s amazing and takes for ever.
You obviously have not been to Japan. If you’re a Westerner, expect to bow, shake, bow, business card, bow, shake, bow. It’s amazing and takes for ever.
I mean, I run marathons, but women’s sports are like, not as exciting as men’s sports.
It’s “unfair” for Hogger to one shot other players but perfectly fine for Doomfist to do it.
You can fuck her but you can’t break it off with her. What a fucking pussy.
In the military, everyone retires at ~20 years unless you’re incredibly high ranking and serving in organization critical roles. In that case, you are forced to retire at 30. I think that’s a fair amount of time for a term limit for Senators and Representatives. If it’s good enough for Marines, it’s good enough for…
I feel bad for his roommate. Durians smell horrible. Like dead bodies horrible.
Can you say the word, “ask”, please? Just checking before we make fun of people’s accents.
They could have joined the U.S. Military and fast-tracked their Naturalization process. But I guess they would rather not actually work for their citizenship. Can’t say that I’m too upset about this. Do the work to become legal.
Luckily, I’m a dad and I like their awesome running shoes.
I loved Harvest Moon on the SNES and N64 when I was a kid. Is Stardew worth picking up for the PS4? My comp is crap, so steam isn’t worth it.
Not a single black writer for the show... sees hidden messages directed at the imagined black plight...
No, she did not. All of the candidates know how the elections work. Bernie knew he was going against the Democratic Party who was focused on getting Clinton on the ballot. If independents cared so much about voting for him, they should have registered Democrat or Bernie should have ran independent. Further more, all…
As one of Max’s many followers, this got me hyped as hell!
Will it be available on HBO Now in Japan? Anyone know?
I think a big issue is that, in older editions, your abilities were tied directly to your alignment. So you could kill an enemy warrior and your DM could turn around and be a dick about it. “Oh, you didn’t give that guy due process. No powers!”
Can we ban black people from public transportation, like, for real.
Agreed, foot fetish is basically PG as far as kink talks go here in the military.