
bullies look like native americans? 

The students didn’t invade Phillips personal space, he invaded theirs, to drive them back because he regarded the offensive black activists as his allies and white kids wearing MAGA hats as his enemy. That’s why, as the video shows, he went past the the space between the two groups, he definitely moves into the boys

Because there is video evidence of the man with the drum marching directly into the crowd and banging the drum in the kid’s face? Why do you think all of these sources are backpedaling? The man with the drums story does. Not. Make. Sense. Because. Of. Video. Evidence.

I wanted nothing more as a child than to get on “Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?” and win, just so I could be the kid to shout “DO IT, ROCKAPELLA!” at the end of the show.

Yea, bullshit. Dr. Who season 11 rating on Rotten Tomatoes by viewers is 24%. Critics love it, but viewers, not so much. After the first couple of episodes the ratings fell back down. Granted, the ratings are better than for season 10, but that’s not saying much. Bottom line - the writers suck, the show runner is

If this was done to Hillary or, any other woman, liberals would be in the streets, dressed as vaginas and calling for the death of the cartoonist and the TV show host.

so there’s literally no way to make this game look bad, is that correct

Now playing

I liked the video. Made some great points and made some stupid ones.

Take notes, white people.

Marvel’s first Muslim character

Wonder Woman being over The Dark Knight is insanity, I get recency bias but come on guys. It was good, it wasn’t better then one of the best super hero films of the last decade. Actually six through two being over it is kind of crazy and I think Logan has potential for acting Academy Awards if the Academy were smart

I honestly don’t know how anybody defends that fight as a good action sequence. The choreography was stilted. It had no grace. And they barely worked together, which was the purpose of the scene.

I keep hoping that one day the people who get paid to write articles either a) learn, or b) show the wherewithal to say, “It was wrong, but the punishment shouldn’t be life-changing.”

The following three things are true:
-I don’t abominate Charles Pulliam-Moore’s writing or journalistic style.
-I do, however, think

Neither will happen, and libs will continue to pout like babies.

Let me answer for you - no, it is not.

I don’t love Dragonball Z. Its stupid. Like I know you’re a journalist, but do you believe in like science or empirical research at all? Are we just free to say things about millions of people because of our own social circle?

Honestly it crosses all boundaries and resonates with nearly all boys and young men, because that’s what a good shounen series does. Shounen Jump series are built on tenets like hard work, friendship, and courage, and tend to have large casts that allow everyone to find someone to relate to. You could say the same of

No, it’s not. RZA was making a comparison between Goku’s tranformation and a black mans transformation.

Interesting article, it does make me wonder though: is Dragon Ball (and DBZ) more ubiquitous in the Black community than it is with White folk or other minority groups? I grew up in a very diverse community and while, yes, all of my Black friends are fans of the show, so are my White and Latino friends. I think that

Yeah, I guess I'm an asshole to be offended by this post.