
Women’s MMA is so boring. They look like they’re throwing wet noodles at each other, their ground game looks weak af. I can understand why UFC is having a hard time with moving past Rousey, because all of her successors are garbage. She even looked liked garbage in the ring but atleast she spoke english and little

Black dude kills Overwatch’s lipstick lesbian. Blizz is trying to give liberal America an aneurysm.

I’m glad you added Margret Weis. She wrote my favorite book ever about my favorite edge lord wizard, Raistlin in, “The Soulforge.” I read that book about once a year.

Her art is beautiful.

Maybe you’re actually right where you belong.

But you are not good at Widowmaker, so stop picking her. Yes, you.

I mean, if you’ve been alone for a long time, maybe you really aren’t good enough. People tend to think way more highly of themselves than they’re actually worth.

They do play (cell phone) games! Just like 50% of Magic the Gathering is made up of female players, that’s why when you go to GPs you see half the seats filled by women hahahahaha

Not good enough. Conviction or bust.


Calm down there. Try not to shoot any government officials during your rant.

I just say, “What did I fucking say, Brent? No you little piece of fuck. Now go sit in the corner and hope I don’t beat your smelly ass with a switch.”

How pathetic of a “reporter” do you have to be to attack someone’s marriage. Like there aren’t enough reasons to thrash the President without having to comment on his love life.

You visit Roppongi before you left or something?

Just don’t lose it, like my cousin did. They will not replace it. Seriously, get a fanny pack if you have to.

My father was murdered when I was 13, he didn’t get to wait until retirement to see the stuff he’d always wanted to see. So I’ve always been of the mindset that if you can afford the time off and not go bankrupt to travel, you should do it because tomorrow isn’t promised. Work hard but also play hard in equal parts

Lets be real. Kaepernick is an embarrassment to the NFL. The League advertises itself as America’s sport, an American tradition, American values incarnate (Are ya ready fo’ sum fuuuuutball!); and you have this fuck essentially spitting all over that image.

How blatantly racist does the Root’s headlines have to be before someone calls these bigots out on their fuckery? Seriously, I know you’re perpetually a victim but come on.

Where do you find out about these tournaments ahead of time and how do you train for something like this? Is there a strong underground Vampire Savior community that I just didn’t know existed? Where do I find these groups, I just played Melty Blood at my favorite arcade and it blew my mind. I wanna see the strats and

I just played Melty Blood for the first time at my local arcade two days ago. It was one of the most hype and fun arcade fighters I have ever played. I think I dropped about 1400 yen in that machine.