
Reminds me of the JLA/Avengers team-up back in 2003/2004. It was in a word, Awesome!

Well said.

Yes, Rucka’s take was sick.

Interesting fact. I have never been a very consistent when it comes to shitting. I shit about twice a week and I have since I was very young, no matter what I eat or how much I eat. Well the last 3 years or so I have become a very frequent runner. I do about 30 to 45 miles a week, not crazy hig, but enough to feel

Hold Down + B for maximum pokecapturing

Why does it even matter?

People die everyday. It’s not my fault that you live such a sheltered life that you can’t emotionally handle the trauma of seeing or being around a human corpse. Especially the husk of a human you probably didn’t know.

What age should I start teaching my daughter to be ashamed of her skin color? Does that start in college?

My dad was murdered. I still hate flying with babies.

I’m not an animal person at all. But I completely agree. I love MY kid, but I fucking hate other people’s kids.

I’m not calling bullshit on your bullshit story. But it sounds kinda like bullshit.

I’ve lived all throughout the U.S. From Upstate New York, to Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Nebraska, and Arizona. Washingtonians have been heads and shoulders above any other place I’ve lived. I can’t tell you how many times people have stopped to pick me up when my car was stuck in the snow or a random person

It’s kind of understandable that people would be mad that their flight was canceled because of that. Get the body and personal effects off the plane and get the show on the road. I’m serious when I say that something like that shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to deal with. Step 1: call a medical emergency and


Gen 1 duder here, just wanted to say that Greninja, Infernape, and Venusaur are the best starter evolutions. Also, Ivysaur in Smash 3 was the shit!

When I went to Ryougoku Kokugikan a few weeks ago, they wouldn’t let me take any photos from the ground level. But I did get to see the Emperor and Empress. I guess that is a pretty rare occurance.

That zone was shit, but the PVP experience was awesome!

Is that actually true? I played in Vanilla and quit early into Burning Crusade (because of life). I don’t remember it nearly with same rose-tinted glasses. I remember most DPSers only having to pound one button to do damage, warriors only having to press one button, and healers only needing to know the most efficient

I haven’t played since the original, but I remember being a moron and grinding in Deadwind on my slog to 60. I remember it being absolutely ghastly. >.<

Completely agree.