
This is how I feel about all of Marvel’s Star Wars comics. Oh here is a a woman who Han faked married, not in the movies most likely dead. Oh here is a bad guy version of C-3PO and R2-D2. They’re not in the movies, probably dismantled. Oh hai female evil version of Han Solo modeled after Indian Jones. Oh, you’re

Really shit list. No explainations. 0/10

Insert new nerd complaing because because mah reprezentation. Not enough Spider-people (woman is a derogatory). There should be black gay trans spider-person and dragon-kin mexican tree spider-person and old white pregnant spider-person who just don’t get dem kids.

Really? That art isn’t exactly horrible, but I wouldn’t put anywhere near “killing it” levels. Esab Ribic on Secret Wars was “killing it” (despite a few odd looking facial expressions), this is just “paying the bills” level in my opinion.

I actually thought this issue 1 was pretty lame. You’re telling me that the man who was tricked into killing his entire adopted family became a pacifist has decided to start going around killing people before they’ve committed the crime that he’s killing them for? Also, his personality here is nothing like his

I don’t see what the problem. Some people like having their rectum touched in sexual situations. Oh, that’s right, it’s a mic drop because you’re insinuating that he’s gay. Otherwise the joke/insult/whatever the comment was rings hollow. Imagine if this was the comment:

Awww @kanyewest are u mad I’m not around to play

These are really, really cool.