
I’m the last person to say adults can’t enjoy some entertainment that’s meant for a young audience (for instance I’ve watched the Avatar series several times) but can we all stop pretending that Harry Potter is some sort of masterpiece of literature? The world-building is silly, the characters are mostly 1-dimensional,

I loved it precisely because it made me feel like I’d been punched in the gut for 30 hours.

I totally understand not wanting to experience works of media that are grim, bitter, and unhappy, but it kinda bums me out how many people are making the argument that it’s bad because of that. “I don’t want to play something so unhappy” is fine, but “this is bad because it’s so unhappy” is pretty shitty, IMO.

I read the conversation, I think this is more cringey than anything else and she could have also asked him to stop at any times but she didn’t and instead is just waiting for the internet to fight for her.

I disagree with the idea that privileged people can’t have a valid opinion on what’s offensive or not. People from marginalized groups can be wrong too.

He didn't play himself if you actually looking into the history of methodologies surrounding school shootings in the Columbine days the method was to surround the site.  Now the first team on scene goes in to attempt and minimize the loss of life.  That is a result of training a advances in psychology.

Tautologically no, because it’s not an active school shooting until it gets going.

The concept that social workers are somehow going to stop hardened criminals when armed police forces barely do, is pretty much a fantasy 

Its interesting how everyone hates when someone is changing to the better, its almost like you want him to continue with his shit? :D

We really like to blame the divine for not more completely restraining all of us. It’s like too many WANT what would amount to the most pervasive authoritarianism ever made.

The quarantine has gotten my mom talking a lot more about the Tribulation and how everything’s coming to an end soon. It’s so disheartening to hear, and to know that arguments won’t work. I ask, “Why is it more likely that THIS is the End of Days when it wasn’t when the Black Plague killed a third of Europe or when

His criticism was a gift. 


Alternatively: Dan Slott run on spider-man was a lot of fun and I am excited for this teamup

And the same goes for you. 6 days into 2020 and you already have something to cry/whine/feel offended about.

“I will be haunted by my mistake forever,” said the well-meaning but misguided video game podcast host.

“It’s not a game for everyone” keeps getting repeated. Video Games are the only entertainment media where this needs to be stated. Shows just how homogeneous the industry is. Weird music? Expected. Weird movies? Loved. Weird video games? “It’s just not for everyone!”

Sorry, but “deciding to play with another streamer” is not the same as employing someone at a store.

I like a lot of your posts, but yours and others’ possessiveness over what their relationship should be is troubling. You have no idea about the struggles they may have had, or the reasons behind the agreements they’ve put in place, and you framing his marriage through your lens is an extremely narrow-minded way to

This is what people are getting wrong, it’s not about their relationship, it’s about how others will harass her (his wife). She is also a streamer and he doesn’t want people jumping into her chat/community/social accounts saying Ninja was flirting, Ninja is cheating, you’re getting played, etc. He is a minor celebrity