
I don’t see what the issue is here. This is a new subject for many people, something they’ve never been exposed to before or thought much about. And frankly, it is an uncomfortable topic for many, especially older folks. I say it’s a good thing for those who are confused or don’t feel fully confident in their ideas

Thank you for this :-)

Damn, I miss Cornell...

RIP Chris Cornell.

Now playing

Reminds me of when Jason Mantzoukas was on a show pranking people who just wanted an apartment.

But she’s not taking a pay cut, because it’s not her show. By all means, ask for as much money as you think your time is worth, but don’t pretend this is some sort of principled stand.

If someone doesn’t want to join FCA, they don’t have to. You pretty much know what you’re getting into before you join. Same with the SA. If you don’t like the Christian part of it, don’t accept their help. It’s really easy.

Psychologist here! Please do not armchair diagnose someone with schizophrenia.

So that guy dedicated a year of his life forming a fake friendship in order to get back at the guy who . . . spoiled a movie?

It’s absolutely absurd to postulate that only a doctor may weigh in on this subject.

...no.  Him throwing that bench was absolutely NOTHING like how he threw the bear. They weren't even standing in the same poses.

I would encourage everyone in this thread to actually read the text of the GND and then come here and tell me this is something people should be supporting. Just because AOC is cute and parrots back the shit we all say on Twitter out loud in her hearings does not make her good at legislating. It was a terrible

I get it, I really do. Objectifying people based solely on appearance is a shitty thing to do.

Well I’m always looking for creative new ways to tell the world I’m an unfun prick who hates other people’s fun so this seems like a great thing to donate money to!

I've never played rogue but I always wanted to pick it. I think you might like black flags story, it's one of the better AC stories ( the only one I ever completed actually) The freedom dlc is also really good since you get to see 20 years after the main game and what happened to original cast.

Ehhh I wouldn’t say this is so much about the company Ubisoft as it is the devs as people. They made a mistake, yes, but the message wasn’t intended to be “queer people need to grow out of their queerness”. Intent doesn’t excuse impact, of course—I just think, especially when it comes to smaller things like this

“We are always asking for something when we get dressed,”

I believe his side of the story and I like that he said he respects Phillips and, in the interview, he was not trying to guess how Phillips feels about things. Phillips approached him and he stood there and listened and smiled. I know some people assume it’s a smirk. To me, it looked like a person who is feeling

More fucking horseshit.

Phillips did not “enter the space between them” - he explicitly said on CBS News that he walked into the high school group to prevent them from harassing the poor innocent black protesters. The fact that those black protesters were using vile, homophobic, racist language is downplayed by you,

I’d be thrilled if it were a joke, but you and I both know it isn’t. Chill.

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This story was proven to be fake, Phillips approached the students not the other way around, and it was a group of African Americans screaming racist things at the students. I’ve watched a bunch of videos of the event and the students never said or did anything remotely racist or wrong, they were just doing school