
We’re passed accepting them, so good.

“Hey, why won’t white America acknowledge these injustices?”

No one is giving him a cookie. He’s a comedian who made a joke with a purpose. He’s not MLK, and he’s not pretending to be. Grow up.

Is a proposition, even a clumsy one, sexual harassment? He wasn’t her supervisor and it was at a party. He made a pass and that’s all we know. Is that considered wrong?

The author of that story (I read it last week) was on a solipsistic rumination about himself and what he perceived as his role in destroying a business he loved.

So you’re offended not by the costume but by what you believe he may have done at a private party you weren’t at because you assume that he did something offensive ?
How do people like you even function? Seriously...

Claiming cultural appropriation in 2018 is no different than claiming it anytime. It’s bullshit. Unless it is done in a way that deliberately demeans, it’s perfectly normal to notice ways that people who are different from you do things and find appreciation for them and incorporate them into your own life. Every

Every noun can be verbed.

Aimee, with all due respect, why is this a Lifehacker post? Isn’t this content more suitable for Jezebel? Thanks

It is not, in any way, the responsibility of Insomniac (or any developer) to wrap their game in real-world politics. It is a work of fiction, set in a universe where a super-scientist with the powers of a spider fights crime in a colorful costume. If they didn’t set out to make a topical game that reflects the issues

Yes, because there’s no earthly reason a man might want access to that information, right? There’s no such thing as a male ally!

“I don’t want to do this because it makes me and my family uncomfortable,” is full-enough reason not to do something, full stop.

If you’re capable of being ‘profoundly disappointed’ by HK, then just avoid everything else forever. Because that’s a level of ‘eh this isn’t for me’ that stretches beyond reasonable criticism to the point that it isn’t worth the risk for people to suggest things to you to try.

Jesus Christ Fahey we’ve got all these new Lays flavors and NOBODY’S TELLIN’ ME ABOUT ‘EM.

I skimmed it, which is frankly more than generous.

You mean self delusion and inflated sense of worth?

Sorry we forced you to read it, here’s your money back :(

Actually, yours is a really stupid response to someone who is actually correct.

I just want to give a brief shout out to VLC, the media player par excellence. It’s not fussy, not over-designed. It just works across a large variety of codecs and file types. I wish they made cars like they make VLC. I wish they made can openers like they made VLC. Hell, I wish they made cellphones with the same

I honestly never heard of Logan Paul until the news broke out yesterday. Everyone was flipping shit, I checked out the video myself and...