In SF5 you can’t use teams and the arena is always the same size. Also combos, buttons, and a general similarity to all other fighting games.
In SF5 you can’t use teams and the arena is always the same size. Also combos, buttons, and a general similarity to all other fighting games.
As a white guy who by turns fights to stifle/embraces the idea of “Why can’t we just not point out race at all?” I want to say that I really appreciated the way you wrote the last paragraph. I didn’t sense the malice and contempt I often sense from one of io9's sister sites when this idea comes up, and you still…
Well, the rules of the Death Note are that, if you use it, you can’t go to either place, which seems to imply that both places exist.
I’m never sure which side is right when it comes to issues like this, especially ones so tangential to my own life and experience, but I’ve come to believe more in those that say the company did what was required of them and the tribes did not. Thank you for the boldness of saying what you said.
This was what I got from reading the original article. There are simply too many checks and balances for us to have seen a simulated rape that wasn’t even in the script. It’s still a pretty asshole-y thing to do to add butter in such a sensitive scene, but it’s forgivable without a prison sentence, at least.
I’ve heard that there will be assists, and nothing in this trailer suggests otherwise (it doesn’t have them, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there). Kotaku sometimes jumps the gun on determining what is true based on what they see.
Profoundly. The article is barely more than “watch this video,” whereas the comment feels like what the writer wanted to say about temperature, but couldn’t because it was too tangential to the point of the video. And I for one am much more interested in reading an argument for why Celsius is fine (I still like…
Mongol General: What is best in life?
For that matter, why isn’t it Pharcy?
Phil McGraw has a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of North Texas.
In a meeting with staffers the day after the election, Obama assured them that “This is not the apocalypse.” While I appreciate his positive outlook and his general sense of optimism, I have to respectfully disagree. This isn’t quite the apocalypse...
Oh yeah, the ULG mod is the only thing that allows F4 to work at all for me. Would love it if someone would make one for Evil Within, because I bought that thinking I’d be able to play it. Whoops...
Interesting... My concern is that my comp is juuuuust old enough not to run it well. The “dungeons” with a lot of light sources or a cluster of enemies slow me down a lot, and I have to use VATS on every hit. But it would be interesting to try it for one dungeon.
I recently started another game of Fallout 4, and it’s now the thing I’m most waiting for when I’m driving home from work. I’m surprised to find myself not as disappointed by playing it as I was the first time, thought part of that is obviously that I can’t be disappointed by the same lame story twice. But the combat…
He didn’t make an argument. He asked a question.
I’ll just drive by and say I’m genuinely surprised that a Jezebel staffer isn’t calling a cupcake with an Oreo named “Mr. President” racist. Super surprised I’m reading this article and not its Mirror-universe counterpart on Jezebel right now.
Okay. Thanks for letting me know? This is information I do not need.
Every human is worth defending in my eyes, if only because the best way to defeat your enemy is to make him your friend.