
Taken by itself, opposing abortion is understandable. Supporting a racist, xenophobic, sexist, lying conman, who has implicated himself as a sexual assaulter, simply because HE supposedly opposes abortion is not.

I don’t think Hillary is going to push for more abortions. I have no opinion on Hillary and abortions. I think “this woman” thinks Hillary will push for more abortions. Thanks for insulting someone you’ve never met.

I wish you’d responded to the actual spirit of my comment and not taken a single word I used to explain your views on abortion. Suffice it to say that for every person who thinks it’s abominable that people are trying to take away their birth control (and that it’s a stupid, unconscionable decision), there’s someone

Does she say some stupid stuff, like “God can use this man”? Yes. But her fundamental point is at least solid, even if you don’t agree with it. Before Baldwin interrupted her, she was saying she cares about the issues and how the different nominees will govern once they’re elected. At the end of the day, Baldwin is

Let’s say Yahoo got started as a company and hired 10 “top managers.” They hired 8 men and 2 women. You can get mad at that if you want, but that’s separate from the issue at hand.

Let’s say that, as time went on, individual “top managers” either left or were fired and replaced. As this happened, the 8/2 ratio remained

A strange thought occurs to me: haven’t video games cost $50-60 for the past 20 or 25 years? And it seems the amount of work it takes to make a AAA game has increased tenfold. I was initially thinking, “Geez guys, I don’t need that many new games a year, you can slow down,” but it might be economically unfeasible for

That’s probably because “you’re stupid, FemShep is only Shep” has been snarked out for almost a decade now. It’s tired. And boring.

Okay, I must have misremembered.

Help me out: I watched the first season and a few eps of Season 2. I quit because the characters were too arch (Katara is always right and Sokka is always idiotically wrong, for example), it had too much of a “power of friendship” vibe (wherein the characters’ love of each other was what was really needed to overcome

I love this so much I’ve got half a mind to download this game I otherwise wouldn’t be particularly interested in just to support the idea. It’s great to see someone (who can afford it, I hope) be so... compassionate to consumers as to let them determine the value of their experience. My only gripe is that once the

You know Hero is the name of a female in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, right?

I don’t even like scotch and I cringed at how disrespectful that would be. That’s just dirty, man.

I’m being serious when I say this: the same way you can feel free even though you’re not allowed to kill people. Or, for a softer example, the same way it doesn’t bother you that you have to have a passport to go to another country. To be a Catholic and believe in Catholicism is to believe that restrictions on birth

Or just a Christian woman. Because, you know, Christianity is about, among other things, the forgiveness of sins.

Yeah, and Frederick Douglass was the wrong person to speak out against slavery. Overfamiliar with the subject matter.

Ah, I didn’t notice that. Of course, I didn’t have much reason to think the word “Zarnyx” was a Twitter handle. I just googled it and found that out. And even if I’d been suspicious of such and saw it in the author contact, it’d still be hearing the setup after the punchline.

Guys, apparently the joke is that the author’s Twitter handle is “Zarnyx.” Obviously, information you needed before the joke could be funny, but... can’t blame a person for trying? :P

The last trailer really excited me. This was three minutes of watching a woman hide until the ineluctable capture. I know the game will be different, but that really didn’t sell RE7 to me at all.

It is “better,” or at least more fulfilling by the results of dozens of studies, to have a loving and successful marriage than to have one a competition that one time. I work with the old and dying five days a week. None of them tell me their medals or degrees or prizes keep them warm at night. I can’t get some of