
I guess this is a world where Orwell didn’t write 1984? Otherwise, naming your surveillance system “Orwell” would be like building the Richard Speck School for Nursing, or something.

But the show is named Black-ish. It wears race concerns on its sleeve. I could understand an argument about a bunch of, let’s say, lawyers who happen to be black not wanting to be asked about diversity, but isn’t Black-ish basically designed to provoke that conversation?

The name of the movie is Suicide Squad, there’s gun porn in every trailier, well-known psychopath Joker is in it, and it’s pretty clear the first trailer shows him getting ready to torture someone who is almost certainly Harley.

Yeah, the writer of this article, Kara Brown, did.


Let’s look at what’s in the chart:

-Introduce a character, create a bond, reveal his objective, make a hook

No. If you read the chart, it doesn’t actually give much in the way of plot points, just the order of escalating conflict. So no “The hero and villain should meet on a mountain and have a debate on page 230,” and more “The victory should have a sacrifice attached.” The chart is much, much less dictatorial than

Or, for a third perspective, they both did, because they obviously didn’t want to stay with someone different from them in this way. Overall, it’s not a good idea to take a single person’s perspective of their relationship at face value.

What exactly is so “male gaze” about these choices? First off, Jack is ugly, and every time I see her standard ME2 costume all I can think of is how horribly chafed and disgusting her nipples must be. Suggesting Kasumi’s hidden face draws the eye to her body is reaching-I would say it draws your eye to the exposed

So a lot of reporters go to Trump rallies and marvel at the disparity between their own beliefs and those on display. And that’s all they try to do. Yes. Good. That’s a viable and valuable expenditure of time and column inches. It’s worth saying, “There are actually people like this, despite how different they are

IIRC, they’ve both had sex before. They committed to chastity for this relationship.

It’s not true. There’s a nice correlation with waiting for sex making marriages last longer. People still get divorced in pretty numbers no matter the back ground, though. We live in a divorce-friendly culture, not to mention agreeing to get married and stay together forever is as bold a claim as deciding to climb

Well-trained in Spades from years in Boy Scouts. I sat down at the psych ward where I work recently to play a hand with a diverse group, but soon knew I’d made an error when they were putting in jokers and taking out 2's. I submit the purest form of the game is no jokers, ace high, spade always wins. Can’t think of a

So I guess it’s safe to assume that every writer working for Jezebel is pro-choice? I’d be interested if that were a requirement. Just curious considering the caprice with which you guys say “anti-choice.”

I hope he didn’t do it.

1) We elect people to do what they want. That’s why we elect people and don’t put every issue to a vote. Participating in representative democracy necessarily entails having someone else decide what’s best for the constituency and, by extension, you. I’m annoyed Obama is forcing me to buy healthcare, but them’s the

So remember, whitey, you cannot compare yourself to black people or it’s racist. You can’t quote a rap song, because that’s racist. You can’t recall a stereotype about butts because it conjures a flood of ideas about value and worth and it’s all racist.

But if we’re going to trace the origins of a phrase implying uncertainty, perhaps even fear, we must attend to issues of race, class, culture, education, and the sprawling web of identitarian elements that shape how we view our positions within society at large.

Well, start with this: nothing is rape except rape.

I’m particularly annoyed by the swordsmanship ones where the opponent sees you react and starts backing up. First off, you’re pretty much guaranteed to lose if you start giving ground like that. Second, every style has kata for reacting to your opponents. No one should be surprised that the guy you’re trying to slash