
I haven’t done any homeless ministry in NYC, but it’s generally pretty easy to get a working ZIP code if you’re willing to ask for one. It’s not a big problem.

Took me till just now to realize it’s a take on Jay’Z’s “Black Album.” Cool.

Here’s a tip: buy one fewer console than you otherwise would. I know some people like to have all the consoles so they have all the options, but that runs you into this problem, where game cuts too much into life. I would love to play The Last of Us, but since I don’t own a PS3 or 4, I can’t. I can live with that.


We can no longer trust consent to mean consent.

I find it impossible to believe that all those women lined up like that and someone snapped that pic without their consent.

If they consented to it, we don’t have the right to tell them it’s not okay. People have the right to show their butts, and honestly, a good argument can be made (I think) for you seeing

Where’s his complacency? He’s talking about how good it is that there’s racial diversity, saying women will come next... what would you have him do? Pick up his chair and swing it around, angry there aren’t women in that picture? It’s not his decision to make, and I think the reason that he’s so calm is that he knows

I haven’t even seen it, but it apparently has the line of dialogue, “You’ve saved my life, and I’ve known you for four days.” Yep, not my cuppa.

I don’t know you. I have no reason to believe you are right and the person who fucking translated entire portions of Japanese DBZ encyclopedias is wrong. And that guy never called me a dumbass, another reason I’d like to believe he’s correct over against you. Beyond that, what does it even matter if I’m wrong? How

I hope it’s gotten better, because I like the character and want her to stick around.

I like him for the most part. I’ve often wondered what Capcom would do to make their Middle-Eastern fighter, and this looks god, if a touch too broad (with the headpiece and all). On the other hand, the scouter-looking implement adds individuality, and the wind concept is close enough to an imaginative take on “The

It’s kinda funny being so engrossed already in Fallout lore and seeing an explanation of their signature system. Nevertheless, anything Fallout is +1 for me. Hoping Bethesda justifies my rare preorder by giving me a bug-light game on Day 1.

Oh, it is. This isn’t a continuation of Darksiders, but it’s based on Battle Chasers, a comic by Joe Madueira beginning in 1998. He was notorious for NEVER coming outwith new issues and essentially just gave up in favor of making video games. He was the art director, IIRC, of Darksiders, which is why they look similar

Garrison predates Garen by over ten years, so I’m thinking Riot are the ones paying homage.

Battle Chaser’s, as in Joe Mad’s awesome comic? I am happy!

Is there ANYONE playing League who didn’t already know this? I’ve been doing this my entire League life. Seems obvious: you should figure it out by starting to walk out of the fountain when you’re nearly topped off and seeing yourself still healing. Never woulda have guessed this would be front page worthy info.

Again, no. The website you link doesn’t mention the Vegeta Saga at all. The website I picked up my info from was called “The Ultimate DBZ Info Site” and was maintained by a guy named Greg Werner. The dude found and translated large chunks of the DBZ Dienzeshu (sp?), basically encyclopedias on DBZ released only in

Vegeta didn’t say that, Goku said that to Vegeta and Nappa. It was in the original Japanese airing. Sadly, the website that showed me that, and all the other stuff I mentioned, has fallen into disrepair.

“That’s fine. That’s totally fine. Okay. You’re fired, of course, but that’s fine.”

The lawyer’s argument is the most telling. We DON’T force pacifists into the military. We DON’T force those opposed to executions to carry them out. You don’t have to do any job you don’t want to do. But if you don’t do you’re job,

We should all be giving a lot more praise than just “pretty cool.” All different kinds of body types, races, genders, even costume quality! What a great love letter to fans.