
Patricia, just wanted to say sorry you’re being callously and ignorantly slammed by this guy (and probably others, all the time). You’d think they wouldn’t get mad that this free website offers them little tidbits (for free) in addition to the longer, more thoughtful pieces (also for free) and you write both kinds.

I’m not saying any of the edits are bad, just that they are indeed edits.

If you don’t remember Recoome mooning the heroes, or Gohan meeting a huge robot while under Piccolo’s tutelage, or Goku telling Vegeta to “Get the fuck off my planet,” then the DBZ you watched was censored. Oh, and blood. Lots and lots of blood.

A guy says he donates and tries to keep it secret, you say that as a Christian he’s supposed to, I say that he’s thus doing what he’s supposed to. It sounds like we agree.

I’m wondering the same thing. Logged on to play as him, and I still can’t.

Tracy, I really appreciate that you kept this measured and even-handed throughout. I was waiting for you to go for the jugular and say something about how men need to psychically assess and never ask a woman a question she doesn’t want to be asked, and you never did. Thanks.
One time, I got the number of a

If it’s any consolation, that’s like saying, “Oh great, now I have to find a gas station.”

Show us a picture! I never knew it came out in a yellow box.

Nobody tell Ricky Gervais that every hospital has at least one chaplain, the one I work for has about ten, and that he’s still in the overwhelming minority for believing that all supernatural phenomena or concepts are false.

So he’s doing it correctly? Good on him! We should continue to congratulate people on doing the right thing. It’s a worthwhile endeavor.

I love this. They are sorry they got people’s hopes up, they are not penalizing pre-orderers in any way, they want people to enjoy it in every phase they can... I almost think they apologized too much, because, yeah, it’s a beta, no one should expect it to work well and anything you do get to finagle with is a bonus.

Sigh, this cosplay isn’t accurate. Everyone knows Graves doesn’t have a cigar...

I think he means “Whenever someone jokes about all the other kinds of rape, there’s someone (like this very site) to call them out.” But that’s much less often the case in terms of prison rape jokes.

A thousand monkeys with a thousand typewriters...

He saw Baron was pretty low, moved forward, and guessed, and got it right. Personally, I don’t see any skill at play, just a really lucky click. I’m sure it looked and felt awesome in the moment, though. But yeah, Baron gets stolen all the time, and with shenanigans

It’s confirmed (I think on April 1 in a video “interview” between Reynolds and Mario Lopez).

If people can lose their jobs for making an errant offensive comment, surely this woman can be fired for this stupidity?

It’s possible. Maybe it’s just me HOPING they start showing off massive redesigns because I was kinda disappointed everyone looked the same in SF4 almost 20 years after their debuts. I’d bet on it being Honda, myself, also because I don’t think they’re going to show off new characters just yet. Also, he’s dimly lit