Pancake people always abusing a tragedy. It's too soon. A good guy with a waffle is the only thing to help a bad guy with a waffle.
Pancake people always abusing a tragedy. It's too soon. A good guy with a waffle is the only thing to help a bad guy with a waffle.
Isn't that the little kid whose parents were ruthlessly slaughtered by Ygritte & co? And he was told to deliver a message to the crows about how his parents were going to be eaten and they were coming for them (the Crows) next? If so, I could see why he might want to murder her ass.
It has been truly inspiring to watch a Catholic girl's school navigate this situation. I am super proud to be a part of an organization that has been so welcoming and accepting of a trans student.
At the same time, there's a big difference between making a few oopsies with the terminology and OPENLY SPECULATING ABOUT A CHILD'S GENITALS. Also, suggesting that being trans is a "trend" and implying that an unstable home life causes a person to become transgender is pretty vomit-inducing.
I work at an all-girls high school, and we have a student who identifies as male. The school has shown tremendous support for him, but his mom just can't deal. Yesterday was graduation and she refused to let him be referred to by his name in all materials. She works at the school and said she would quit if they…
Seriously, should we refer to Jay as their sister or their brother? Please give us your opinion.
"Doesn't seem to have gotten any surgery"? How did they determine this? By staring intently at a 14-year-old boy's crotch? Ew.
damn it, media. using pronouns correctly is kind of a minimum standard. we could be having intelligent, aware discussions about the current experiences of young people coming out as trans, and instead we're still fucking around misgendering them and using scare quotes. SMDH.
Google is our friend. :3
You know, it is creepy enough how much media coverage of transgender individuals focuses on their genitals. But can we at least skip that when the person in question is a child? Cause that is goddamn pedophiliac and creepy.
Facebook comments are where Yahoo comments go to die in an ignorant, racist, sexist, homophobic fire.
The use of "trend" and the talk of "instability" causing him to be trans seems exactly like the way people used to talk about gay people.
Indeed. I don't think they're being hateful at all. I think they're simply unaware of the vocabulary, but... Uh... Like you said. Teh Googlez!
Bonus points for accusing the mother of creating an unstable home life when the father is R. KELLY.
For what it's worth, they seem to be legitimately ignorant rather than hateful, even asking commenters how they should refer to him "to make sure [they're] respectful." But all they had to do was Google "transgender" and they could've found explainers from the APA, GLAAD, and NCTE on the first page... ignorance really…
They used the word "trend"; "...latest trend in Transgay culture". Low-rise jeans are a trend. Gah! Sexuality and gender identity are not fashion statements.
I've got no problem with the victims of car accidents, plane crashes, and tornadoes taking their selfies. They're the ones who experienced the trauma. They can deal with it how they choose to.