
The point is, obviously, that sending a seizure-inducing gif to a person with epilepsy is a physical assault, causing real-time, physical harm. But you know that...

What’s your point exactly? Sending someone something intended to harm them is sending someone to harm them. What difference does it make what medium you use?

...But nobody is arguing differently? I haven’t seen anybody here argue that women who are harassed shouldn’t be taken seriously. You’re arguing a point nobody disputed. I did point out that legally, Quinn and Eichenwald are regarded as different because his case would be classified as an actual assault, whereas her’s

No, but I do think the article minimized the seriousness of what occurred. A seizure can be fatal, given the right circumstances (one of the primary killers of epileptics is falls they sustain when they’re triggered). What happened to this man is very, very serious and the person who did it deserves to be arrested.

It is when you’ve got an agenda to make him look shitty in the comments of a story in which he was physically attacked and his assailant, arrested.

Yeah, I’m disappointed too. It’s not a zero-sum game. We can (and should) be glad that Eichenwald is seeing justice for the assault perpetrated against him AND also want the Gamergate asshole meninists who perpetrate online assaults against women to receive the same justice.

“What [this person] did with his Twitter message was no different from someone sending a bomb in the mail”

This headline is so misleading and it’s so, so shameful of you to frame the situation like this. The GIF caused him a seizure. He’s epileptic. Yes, that is assault when you do something with the intent of hurting someone else, whether it’s just a GIF. That troll put him in danger knowingly. Epileptic seizures are

Because you’re still associating AIDS with the use of the condom. AIDS is just a thin film of latex away.

Thats the same question I had.

Suppose a single hex tears, but the rest of the condom is undamaged. Is the condom wearer any less in danger of getting an infection? How about the partner being penetrated?

I cannot even begin to imagine a worse choice for your condom spokesman than Charlie Sheen.

“more form-fitting manner than regular condoms, though I did not find this to be the case.”

LELO is to sex what Starbucks is to coffee:

Yeahhhh, I feel like the demographic that is most at risk for unsafe sex is pretty unserved by making condoms more expensive.

Why is it when female artist show us their lives through their art they are drama queens?

Here is another perspective of the visual

Everything. Every one. All of them.

I am not calm

Fuck conscious uncoupling, this is how you do it.