
I’m kind of curious about aggressive guacamole, though. It might be possible!

Aww thank you, that's actually really nice to hear! I haven't been around for a while but I am hoping to cycle back into it. :) Yay for IUDs!! I just got mine in December and I am so glad to have that over with. Checking is much easier than a pap!!

It is I, I am pro cervical cancer.

This city's mayor (this is my hometown) actually officially stated that he thought the show should be cancelled. They couldn't do anything without opening themselves up to a huge lawsuit, though. :(

HAHAahahaaha great hashtag. Great.


This is SUCH good advice!

Hahahaha I really think your description was enough, eek. But thanks!!

Yeah, that's what I was thinking - it isn't like this random magazine no one has heard of exerted crazy influence over Kim Freaking Kardashian...

This Jezebel article is surprisingly good, and might show you some of the complexity involved when women are exercising agency within a system that oppresses and objectifies them: http://jezebel.com/saartje-baartm…

I don't know if you're, um, unfamiliar with Kim Kardashian, but she didn't exactly need the money they'd get from selling these magazines. You have nothing backing up your use of the word "forced" except ... nothing! You have no foundation to use that word, except her presence there. If you think every woman on the

I guess you meant illogical? Because it didn't sound like you meant to compliment me! ;)

Whoa, that is so interesting!

I would be fine with someone who enjoyed all of the other things you listed, as the reasons to enjoy hunting. Taking all of that away except the act of killing is strange to me, that's all! I wouldn't "commend" someone for wanting to be the one wielding the knife, because that makes zero difference to the actual

Sometimes they get paid, I got invited to do a couple at car companies but had to actually have a car to go in the first place. The gig was to ask about a trade-in or something. It was low pay, like $20 for the visit (no matter how long it took).

It doesn't sound like he was discriminating against the artifical colour red, just all red!

That's amazing!!!

At least the act of hunting is (presumably) skill-based, and from the hunters I know, it isn't necessarily the act of killing that is the attraction. When it is, I am creeped out by those people too.