
Heather do you know what Price wrote on twitter the day TotalBiscuit died? “ The kindest thing I can say is I’m glad he’s no longer around to keep doing harm.”

Seriously who wear black glasses indoors nowdays? We aren’t in the 80's dude

Thank you for the nightmares tonight :(

The pic ,the name and the quote are all wrong. Unless i am missing something

I want this. As a costume and amibo . Damn i need a game around this

More salt in our wounds plz

The stupidity of humanity in all it’s glory ......

Something tells me it’s another Pokemon stars crap story

Unfortunately UK will never get many points because it’s politics ofc

This was my nightmare in Wii era .

So colorful......Excellent!!!!

Seriously only 6 stars?

Watching a Sea of thieves stream on Twitch the other day i realised how i miss Monkey island :(

The gamecube port was great minus the shit compressed music. Seriously it was that bad.

It’s all about clicks Eric. Right? This is a new low for Kotaku. Well done...well done!!

As long as they keep loot boxes away from their games , i am fine

Exactly this

me too. Nothing to be ashamed :)

The first thing that came to mind when i saw the top pic is: The beauty and the beast. Not sure why. Now that i think of it, it would be an excellent title for this article

Not sure if this is yours but i am stealing it. It’s just awsome :)