
Don’t know how old your mother is but kudos to her. I am 48 and all my life i do the same . I have all my passwords,codes in a text file on my computer and multiple little piece of paper under my monitor and in hiding places all over my house. Technology is a wonderful thing but handwriting is simple magic . It never

Marilyn did it better 😉

I don’t get it . Those ppl who don’t care about what color is this woman are they marked as racists? We are all gamers and most of us don’t want to label ppl . Black or white. Fat or thin. Tall or short. If this woman was a disabled person would you put her mental condition on the title? If the answer is yes i feel

So ppl in Walsall are boring. Shocking!!!! Btw let’s all clap at 0:44 at that ugly as hell residential building at the far back

720p for me. Anything above that is a no no for my potato PC

Cool!! But i am not going in my attic to waste a day searching for it for just an update. Wait.....do i still have it or?

You lost interest halfway? Really? I lost interest by the time i completed the opening sequence at skyloft and i was ready to leave that shi tty place. 

I wonder if he was, secretly, giving advice to Nintendo about the Wii U launch . That would explain a lot of things

What i see in the first pic is a white movable plastic part touching a black movable plastic part. That means problems in the long run

If WoW never clicked for you, then  don’t bother. Consider yourself saved. Being playing the damn thing for 15 years non stop. My addiction still goes strong. The sad thing is that i don’t have time to play any other game. And that is what bother me the most.

What kind of monstrosity is this????

When i saw the term Klan-ish Karen i immediately did the Greek translation to farting Karen which i found very amusing. Yea i know. I am a simple person amused by simple things. Oh well.......


All i can say about this is......that i am real a jerk for letting Dom leave my island. I want him back 😥

I have 1 thing to say to Karen......

Damn right.

Yea back to my boring island that is 99% full of trees.....and well......nothing else 😢

Well i have a Logitech keyboard but it’s k120 that was bundled with a mouse Cheap as hell ofc but at least its durable. 

Well i have a Logitech keyboard but it’s k120 that was bundled with a mouse Cheap as hell ofc but at least its

This is gold 👍