The only real way to prevent this level of toxicity in game environments is to fight against it from the start. Once a culture becomes toxic... it’s really, really hard to pull it back.
The only real way to prevent this level of toxicity in game environments is to fight against it from the start. Once a culture becomes toxic... it’s really, really hard to pull it back.
Who is this for? If you want to play “smaller” games use your phone or a Switch or something.
I bought $15 in them back in March. Will I be able to sue them for millions of dollars now that I’ve lost a whole THREE DOLLARS?
Obviously it’ll be Dreamhav... oh, wait.
I predict a new company will come in and scoop them all up:
I found an easy way to fix joy-con drift!
Don’t use the joy cons! :P
puts on call of duty. shoots. gets shot. gets bored and turn off the game.
This dude rocks. The sneaky pink cheetah-print undies in the last pic are also fantastic.
I guess gamestops body wasnt ready for him.
unfortunately gaming while unemployed also brings about the guilt of doing something unproductive when i should be looking for a job or cleaning up or figuring out something to get better at. it sucks.
Let me guess his upcoming video is going to go like this: something something cancel culture something something I’m really not an asshole but... I’m the asshole?
Did it boar a hole?
What in the seven hells is this fucking thing.