
DC has been doing some of this with Rotworld (ties in only Animal Man, Swamp Thing, and Frankenstein Agent of SHADE while potentially having impact on the whole DC verse.) Waiting to see how they play out the whole end of the world with that. Similarly, over in all the varied Lanterns books (I think there are four) is

My next sugru project?

It's not the biggest issue. Many livers can't filter out the HFCS, and it doesn't metabolize the same way. I had non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver until I stopped drinking regular soda and switched to diet. Six months later it was doing much better, a year later almost gone.

I would like to +1 this, sir.

The epidemic spiked when they _stopped_ using actual sugar in favor of HFCS. Sure, too much sugar has always been bad for you, but HFCS will kill you.

+1 for Rex Velvet 'stache

Love the message, but unfortunately three-fourths of the world say "Who?!" when you list those names, and a lot of those don't believe in climate change. And they vote.

Also, don't send your hentai doodles with your hotmail account, they might delete it all:

It looks dangerous, because in the case of needing to abandon vehicle or something you're strapped to it...

Yes!! Wish for a son, get a 62 year old that acts like he's 10!

I've been wondering since the first trailers if Timothy turns into Swamp Thing by the end of the movie.

+1 for Varley

KSR is a great author. The Mars books literally changed my worldview on many things. Very excited to read this...

LOL I had totally forgotten the Zerg-oogle search results...

"if that was ever truly challenged, it seems like all we'd have on our side would be numbers, and we'd have to flood them ASAP"

"Con: I do not understand this Pam hair."

Watching two gay vampires slow dance to Teenage Dream in the havoc and offal of their feeding frenzy is the high point of the season for me.

You wanna know the best keyboard I've used in years? http://www.cyberguys.com/product-details/?productid=42828

I would say draw a distinction in your conspiracy theorems. I believe in some of the conspiracies out there, but anyone who thinks we didn't land on the moon is a dumbass.

Just a nice reminder that Marilyn Manson is nothing new...