
Or better yet, a Hawkeye + Black Widow buddy / romantic feature film.

Sweet! Thanks!

Good to know it's only 5. I've used two already. They need a way to manage those, in case you want to delete one...

Thank you so much for reminding me...

Oh, the Seven app is terrible. Stick with your stock POP email app.

I already secured a hotmail address a few months ago when I wondered if I would be ditching Google altogether. They have seemlessly (mostly) rolled hotmail into outlook now.

My gf and I both call out "Hey Alcide!" every time he shows up. 3rd straight male. ;)

I saw this with Hoyt coming last season. But I thought he might try to kill both Jess and Jason. I didn't see the Redneck Vampire Kill Squad helping...

Think about it: the fairy cousin said that she would connect with her mother because she had a stronger emotional bond. What vampire does Sook have a stronger bond with than her mom?

I've literally been doing this since I was about 14, so about 28 years now. My friends in high school all thought it was nutty and stupid.

Why? Sex with goats. Ewwww

omg I know, I was waiting for top-of-her-lungs "But Bill, I CAN'T be glamoured cause I'm a fairy!! Oh... oops."

She was so awesome in that role.

I think it was Bill, too. Gonna be a real shit-bomb to drop on her. Mwahaha!

I'll drink to that...

Gods I've missed your PRO/CON reviews, Meredith. =D

Wait, you can't recycle the containers that have gotten all rough inside?

This is gonna become my new lorem ipsum for web design...

Wait, you mean I'm not supposed to use chew toys for myself?