
Yes. Two CEO's enter... one CEO leaves.

Aww, you beat me to it. I was going to say that I thought de rigueur punishment these days involved handguns: [www.youtube.com]


I'm glad to hear there is possibly a voice of reason rising to the top. Of course, cream and bastards both rise, so let's wait for the other shoe.

Yet another reason to stay away from Facecrook

That found 50 gigs I didn't need on my crowded drive. Thanks!

Yet another reminder that ABC = Always Broadcasting Crap

Sounds like another attempt to Americanize great BBC programming...

I stopped watching Touch halfway through the pilot... Keifer is really bad. lmao

Bones has gone waaaaay downhill this last season. I've been pretty tempted to stop watching it. I expect they'll only give it one more season.

I second that.

I take it back. I hadn't seen the organic bits. Ai ai! The black goat in the woods with a thousand young! Our doom is upon us!

Pretty sure that's just a deep-sea fishing net. It's edges are too straight, and the recurring hex pattern and some of the horizontal lines point to man-made, not organic.

There are worse terrors to be found at the summits of the high mountains... ;)

I thought it was "We got this." That's what Hal is always saying, at least. =j

I think that was my favorite scene in the entire movie. Awesome!

At the start, when someone (Hill?) asks Fury what their next move was, I waited for him to say "Tell the Avengers to assemble."

Yeah. Maybe two bucks. Not forty.

I see that now. Still buggy as all hell though.

Next, make it into saris before my gf goes to India to teach in October.