
"Syfy is showing Tales from the Darkside episodes all day until 4, when the channel switches to James Bond movies."

Awww, zom-baby! So kewt. Kill it with fire!!

Level Up! ;)

I was thinking the same thing... most corks are quite long, you could easily cut them all in half for a shorter mat in half the time.

Unfortunately they haven't been heard from in weeks... who knows if they'll ever check in with us again. =j

I don't believe it's Doomsday by any stretch, but I think that something will definitely happen on Dec. 21, 2012 if only because so many people are convinced it will happen now that it will become self-fulfilling. The only question is, will it be positive or negative. I'm still banking on positive....

Well, he's a faery. Easy mistake. ;)

It's just Force Lightning from the Emperor when he fell into the Death Star 2.0

Click in the lower right corner where it says "Expand"

Please tell me they're working on an Android version...

"www. is irrelevant nowadays and our browser finishes it for us automatically."

Hoax or not, this strikes me as the preferred meal of Human Centipedes everywhere!

Even just remembering three personal and four for business accounts, I'm often swearing at the screen as I try to remember which one works where and digging through my desk for notes...

Bio has loads of problems. Years ago they started using thumbprint readers heavily in South Africa; the result was that people started getting their thumbs cut off. If that happens and you switch to retina, you stand a chance of losing that next. =j

They've been around, but the horsepower has largely been lacking from systems to do it in any reasonable timeframe. The advent of quantum cpu's will change the game completely and passwords will truly be useless when you can guess every possible combination in a nanosecond.

I've done something similar for the last 5 or so years... I have high security, medium, and low. Things that they can't really do any significant damage with get the same simpler 8-character password with some number substitutions. High level stuff like Google and Paypal get a much longer string.

Well, I just finally activated the 2-step auth on Google. Kind of a pain, but now I can relax about my account getting hacked...

Without a doubt, but Wilma was clearly homo sapiens sapiens... HMmm.

followed by pooping and diarrhea noises a la Southpark....

Love the concept, not so much the price-point. $5 and $10, sure. $15 and $25? I can just screw or stick a hook right here on the normal plate for about $2...