
Remember the pit in Raistlin's tower with all the things crawling around in it?

I work for a tiny little medical research company. Most of our money comes from grants for non-profit work. We're still operating mostly on Office 2003 because we can't afford to upgrade every system here at $300-$500 a pop, so I'm pushing for us all to move to LibreOffice (which I prefer because of open source

as long as it's not just red all over the front portion and bumper...

I was just going to mention that. The most obvious cue is that when you find the forest floor spattered with red and monkey bits everywhere, it's the biggest warning of danger of all. If you walk into room and there is blood EVERYWHERE you generally back slowly out and call 911. We all have red inside us.

She was the best part of Love and Other Drugs.

Yeah. I'll add "pictures or it didn't happen." ;)

Wherein they time travel bad to an island in the Pacific in 1952 and must escape before an A-bomb test.

"the prequels were no worse than the original movies — let it go, people"

So, Human Centipede 2 will be absolutely banned in Tennessee? See, there's always a silver lining to every bad law...

Yeah, not io9's fault. If you can't get Youtube, then you're never gonna get the embedded videos. I'm not happy with all of the Gawker redesigns, but you can't blame everything on them...

I just wanna learn to make Irish potcheen. Or not. ;)

Easier to count the ones that don't versus the ones that do? ;)

I'm not 100% onboard with the DC "relaunch" - sounds more like they're out of ideas and want to rewrite everything from the 50's on. But I will admit that the new Teen Titans looks pretty damn cool. I might have to consider picking that up...

Oh I picked up on that immediately. It's brilliant strategy right out of the Book of Five Rings...

So essentially every time I jot a note on a postit with an archaic pen, I'm violating Xerox trademark? It's crazy shit like this that tells me copyright and trademark law needs serious revision...

I was mildly interested in this show when I heard about it, and the trailers are looking more interesting. Sadly I've vowed off watching anything else on Syfy(lus) so I won't be watching any of them at all...

Now we know why they killed Nigel-Murray on Bones... he got a better gig. Maybe.

It looks like Smith is about to give Mr. Carrot Thompson flowers. Are they sweethearts?

I just bought something almost identical to this, except it doesn't leave massive craters behind and only cost me $7 at Harbor Freight Tools...

Only the bad guys, my friend... only the bad guys.