
Agh! Every time I run update, it just sits there for five minutes thinking, then says there's no update...

Another thing that's asinine is that my Captivate is still running eclair because AT&T is still afraid to upgrade to the full release prior to the current official release...

=9 Mmmm... rip to mp3 and add to my collection of television themes and awesome related music.

Mmm... Jessica is my favorite flavor.

I was just discussing the possibility of replacing dialysis with a total swap out with the folks in my lab.

and very sleepily.

No Green Lantern? Really? Or Thor?

As they often say, DRM only hurts legitimate consumers, not pirates.


I remember being accused of using up all the data and bandwidth because of Warcraft by a landlord, until I showed him that I was using less than a gig a month and about 15 kbps when logged on...

I made Skittles vodka a few years back, and although all the filtering was a pain in the keister, it was a HUGE hit at the New Year's party. I'm gonna whip up a batch of these because *BONUS* no filtering necessary!

$25 is something you should pay for core software, like a word processor suite or video editing software. Something you need to use a lot for a specific task. GUI tweaks should be free or dirt cheap. I love Fences, and I'd probably love Bins, but I'm never gonna pay that much. $5 at most.

All the books from Julian May were amazing. I read them years ago, and have been wanting to track them all down again to reread 20 years later.

Your comment reminded me how fun my rogue is to play. Sigh...

I haven't read the books, but I get the idea that Martin didn't really want to portray a "hero" in the classical sense, since the real world has very few heroes and villains and this is meant to be just another "real world." People do good things, people do bad things, and most people have higher aspirations than

Cheer! Weird little inbred twat deserves more than a few slaps...

Judging from Youtube, I'd say poop throwing is instinctual and also that we inherited it. Metaphorically as well as literally.

We're heavily overpopulated on the planet anyway. Not every one of us has to reproduce.