
That's exactly why I stopped the registration for Cloud halfway through. Dropbox is perfect because it still works if I'm offline. I had hoped Cloud would do the same, but alas no...

Sadly, churches are from from empty... There are still many more sheeple than there are us goats.

Easily explained: it's running Blackberry OS. If it had been an Android tablet, it would have sold 10 times that at least...

W13 and Eureka are mindless fluff with a sciencey veneer. They're cute, often amusing, but not a storyline that I follow throughout the week waiting for the next ep like SGU has been. I wasn't even this involved with SG:Atlantis, which I liked more than the rest of the franchise until SGU.

Just please, no space dolphins. One of the reasons I refuse to read Star Trek novels are the space dolphins...

I'd be happy to read novels, comics, blogs, podcasts, tweets... whatever the writers of SGU wanna give us! I want to know the rest of this story, and I haven't yet begun to really grieve the end of the show like I will when the last ep. is aired.

I have to agree... some of us care a lot, most of us don't.

"Son/daughter of the bad guy from the first movie"

I always wanted to drive a Cobra HISS as long as the cockpit of the real one didn't smell like cat turds like the toy's did... Particularly bad pthalates.

No, I buy stuff from Amazon and other sites online often and they calculate the tax and add it. I am the purchasing agent for my company, so I do 90% of the ordering. Sure, some sites don't bother, but a lot do. We can thank Hatch for that, since he's been one of the biggest supporters of everyone in the country

I'm assuming the permission to "Directly call phone numbers" is so that you can add the person you call the most, not so it can roboticly call 900 numbers in Haiti or Russia while I sleep...

sigh - I'd forgotten how hot Ms. Calendar was until you mentioned her...

I think she knew full well what she said, but now that she's had her cathartic experience and has overcome all her internal fears, she's absolutely fearless that the Iron Cross man is going to kill her.

Does anyone else sense something of an impending romantic connection between Astrid and Walter? There have been moment all season where she looks like she's almost going to lean over and kiss him...

I agree that at her moment of catharsis, having her remain animated was a weaker choice than having her real and overlayed onto the anime background.

I already pay sales tax on most everything I buy online (Utah) and the only thing that stops or slow me down is the time it takes to get here. If I can run to the local Home Depot or Sears and get the same thing today, I'll do it. If not, I'll get it online.

I hate Fox.

Maybe with the revelations yesterday about visible light emitting more magnetism than previously thought, it's really magnetism that holds it all together...

Yeah, thanks... I'll stick with this in my head instead.

Why gold? Silver would at least be useful in stopping ear infections... hey, not a bad idea.