
Isn't the Ghostbuster girl from The Guild, too?

And I'm a 41 year old hetero man who has just fallen in love with Nathan Fillion like it was the first time. Squeee! ;)

Don't they know how awesome Captain Britain is, and that he doesn't need a cheesy blue-blob gun?

Sounds like I won't need to install the FlashBlock extension anymore...

I had the same thought when I read the headline... Shiny!

Toobs inside of toobs! A truck would be easier!

Thanks for sharing the info, pretty much what I knew but I didn't know the June 30th cutoff. Here's my question, though: can't we use both to some degree, so that our outside IP will be the huge-ass number but internally I can still login to my router with or whatever?

He had some kind of spider or worms in his blood that he had to take regular shots for to keep from being eaten, or something like that. It comes up in the first "over there" episode when they're riding to the theater where our team has just crossed over, before Lincoln gets torched.

omg, Sweets is so young! =j

Not cool, but certainly very very funny.

I so wanted to watch the death-bot blow up...

Well, I just hope it's not Robin. It's not that I don't like what they've done with Robin in print, but putting him back on the screen would induce some pretty bad Clooney/O'Donnell flashbacks...

I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Re: Batsie "Since the movie seems pretty full up with villains" Full up! Are you kidding? If you count the bad guys in the second movie including Sal and the Hong Kong guy, there were like 5 in the second movie. I say there's still plenty of room for the Riddler. ;) (You gotta admit, JGL could play a kickass

"7 billions of dumbass" LMAO — I love that!

It's the 21st century, mate. Doesn't matter who airs it first, it'll be available for viewing from the net an hour later... =j

I'm sure it'll still nuke your testes and ovaries, though...

o/^ Ya say you're looking for re-evolution, well ya know... o/^

@MISS MERCY STREET: Remember: other universe Broyles is dead. For all we know, there's a balancing aspect that will try to kill ours now. (Both Peters would have died without intervention, their Charlie got infected about the same time ours died, etc.)

@Malcontent79: Hear, hear. Peter going rogue doesn't necessarily mean "evil" it just means he's focused on getting ahead of the game and finding out how this will effect his life before anyone else does.