
@Rawrnosaurous: Would you trust that if he had that Nina and the gov wouldn't just use the info on the discs to complete the machine and hide anything pertinent to himself? I know I wouldn't.

@Dyn: And he knows his way around a gun, as he has proven several times when he gets one in his hand.

@Rawrnosaurous: And telling them it was A-pos takes about 5 minutes.

Followup: As I read more on Matt's changelist page on his extension, I am guessing what happened is that this new one "fixed" something that was "broken" in Priority Inbox that was still allowing MinimalistGmail to successfully hide buttons. Now that it's been "fixed" I can no longer hide my Report Spam button or any

Warning: if you are a user of MinimalistGmail by Matt Constantine [mattconstantine.com] installing this one even to "check it out" seems to permanently break Matt's — which I find simpler, more elegant, and also usable with FireFox.

You guys say "The villains of The Dark Knight Rises were announced" but in truth, _two_ villains were announced. I'm still waiting to see if they add a 3rd...

@Joe Andersen: Good show, though... I just finished season 1 before reading this article. =)

@NonElitist: I can't disagree... Xmas Eureka was bad enough that I'm just about done watching. And Warehouse 13 has it's weeks, too. Once those are done, so am I with SighFeh

This gives me some more hope.

@erikgrad: OH thank you thank you for the laugh... the cognitively challenged were driving me crazy...

@TheAncient: So the need is the grammar... ok?

@Unspellable: Where the hell do you get those numbers? Even with bodies stacked like cordwood (an image I love) the mass of humanity would quickly overspill the boundaries of LA.

When I saw the headline, I thought there might be a sound file I could download to reboot my neurons... Of course, that sounds a lot like Steven King's book Cell.

@Thoon: It looks like he's just been through a pretty brutal fight.

@Smeagol92055: Thanks, I just spent the last hour reading all about it. And I'll be looking for it next trip to the bookstore.

@SG-17: Me and my gf had it bad, and now that we think about it we haven't been sick with anything viral since...

@Christopher James Cornute: Witwer sounds like the only one who gets that this story isn't about vampires, werewolves, and ghosts... it's about drug addiction, having an STD, and struggling with bipolar disorder.

Does Cypress have themselves a new superhero?

Sounds like it's going to make me miss the hardcore writing staff of MANTISS