
@brett108: Dammit, I was just going to write it off and delete it from my TVrss feeds, but if it's so bad that it's actually entertaining...

I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed the strange "coincidence" that the FCC messed up net neutrality about 24 hours ago, and now Skype is choking...

I first thought this was for an episode of Supernatural, which would have truly rocked even though I don't watch.

@akacrash: Well, so was Kevin's in the arcade. I get the idea that's just one of the very successful Encom product lines. As it will be for Microsoft soon, as well.

@Nasdaf: That's for Tron3 to take on. Sam vs. Ed Jr. both off grid and on!

@Hampster: Not to mention the internet. That game was WIN on many levels and I've been thinking about making it run on my Win7 gaming box, too. Maybe Tron3 will be better...

@Titor: That is a beautifully worded assessment.

@TheZug: There's no boobs? Dammit! But the trailer is full of boobs, and my computer is full of boobs, too...

@twophrasebark: In a few months another namechange is in store: WyTry

@fury161: Yeah, that brings us to one decent show and one goofily written but still entertaining show. I'll leave it to each of you to decide which one is which between Eureka and Warehouse 13...

@Nivenus: Watching season 1 of TNG is painful now. The acting is horrible. But that's true of all the Star Trek franchises since. Now if cretinous SyFy execs could only remember that... oh wait, most of them were in grade school when DS9 was on the air.

@Vexxarr: I'll second that motion

Adthwart has been very nice already, we'll see if I even notice when they make this transition.

More like Homer Simpson the superhero

Totally gotta be Krakoa... interesting angle to take.

Now I finally understand why modern gnomes create mechanical birds to ride. They must have ridden the real thing until they went extinct. ;)

@magicprime: Like the internet in Futurama, I suspect.

His name is "Hooman"... heh heh

If he turns himself in, the US government will have him murdered to avenge the spilling of the truth behind it's actions. And I speak that as a loyal American, not some US hating national.

"Carnies. Circus Folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands."