
I will never be a Clinton fan and I voted for Bernie in the state primary. That said, Bernie,

So wheres that Brazzers logo...

This is horrible for the Sanders campaign either way:

Wow is no one else seriously troubled by this? Sorry Bernie but this whole campaign looks like it’s becoming a sad ego trip. And him and Donald debating would be just be for their own egos. It’s pretty messed up that the only woman currently running for president actually EARNED her nomination by getting the most

I’m ambivalent when it comes to who the Dem nominee is. But chalk me up with those who are done with Sanders supporters. I have several friends who are Bernie supporters, and shit are they condescending, sneering, and insulting anytime they can remotely work Clinton into a conversation or post.

The zinger will be “so you don’t think Obama is qualified to be president?”

Bernie spent the weekend talking about Hillary’s “judgment” on the Sunday shows, so I’m not sure we’re done with that one yet. He’s not gonna run a straight attack ad (he’d get killed for it) but I don’t think we’ve seen the end of the judgment/qualification question. Hillary’s heading into a stretch where she’s

Donald Trump thanks you for your support. Enjoy your privilege!

If I just went by what I read on this site/the comments on this site, I’d think she was worse than all the Republican candidates combined. As much as I enjoy this site... I may have to peace out until what? June?

I’m not so sure this would’ve been a deadlock even with Justice Scalia still on the court. They ruled unanimously in favor of a warrant requirement for searching cell phones in Riley v. California. That’s apples and oranges with this issue (since we’re now discussing the details of a pair of cases/searches in which a

It feels like the award gods delivered karmic payback. She has an acting Golden Globe she doesn’t deserve, so now she lost an Oscar she probably did deserve (at least of the nominated choices). The only shame is that Sam Smith benefitted from this.

she worked with terry richardson again this month. she stays working with abusers and rapists. actions speak louder than words!

Now playing

Seriously I have likely said this before but if La’Porsha Renae doesn’t win, forget the election, I will have no faith in America.

If “more theatrical” means haphazardly done without any concision nor focus, as is typical Lady Gaga fashion, then we agree. Anyone can be theatrical, but Bowie had purpose and precision, and while Lorde’s tribute was just a montage, she seemed to have at least understood enough to actually make it about Bowie, not an

No one got mad at Miley for twerking. She got shit for looking like an idiot.

VAWA is in fact a part of 4092, title XVI actually.

With all her privilege she is still constantly reduced to her uterus, vagina and other bullshit. I think she understands oppression and fighting for a place at the table just as much as anyone. This is just one comment I copy and pasted from this very article on the supposed woman friendly site Jezebel, but she gets

Sansa is really the only Stark that could feasibly rule in Winterfell again. Assuming GRRM doesn’t kill her or any of the others, Jon is probably going to be king of Westeros, Arya never wanted to be a lady and as a Faceless Man is less likely to want it now, Bran is a tree and Rickon is probably the feral kid in The

please no