
Your insistence on properly identifying parts of speech is what’s keeping us from the revolution

Last I knew BioWare IS developing a new IP. It just has yet to be announced as to what it is.

He basically admitted that Obama is constitutionally mandated to appoint a nominee, but thinks he shouldn’t do it anyway. Ok.

“Void if president is in final year of term and/or black”.

This articulates my feelings! I appreciate you!

I’m dying here, seriously crying. You seemed more reasonable and honest than mean in your first comment. That second comment totally snuck up on me.

What is ridiculous to me is the fact that either Killer Mike or Elliott used this language in the first place. It is one thing to say “I am voting based on issues, not on gender,” but focusing on her uterus (or vagina, which I have heard both men and women talk about this election cycle) reduces women to our

i think i just pulled a muscle laughing so hard

Thank you for this 👏

I’m looking at your summary there and parts of that bill sound like they’re good. $9.04 billion on crime prevention and rehab. is a good thing. Prohibiting bias influencing the death penalty is a good thing. The rest is either mixed or bad though.

My personal revenge fantasy involves them stalling, the democrats getting the white house and either Hillary or Bern nominating Obama for the position.

In 2006 he also used his yes vote on that bill to bolster his ‘tough on crime’ record during a campaign.

Except that he doesn’t. Or did you forget to mention that Bernie voted for the 1994 crime bill? Every time Bernie doesn’t “walk the walk” it gets explained away, at the same time, for Hillary it’s constant hyperbole.

I imagine those “things she’s said” include pride in her long political record and work for children and women, refusing to renounce her (really quite popular!) time and work as Senator for New York, and likewise her time and work as Secretary of State. And, surely, all of her pronouncements about her qualifications

Maureen Dowd continuing to be horrible aside, I really don’t see this sense of “entitlement” from Hillary Clinton. She’s a hard worker with an incredible amount of experience, and it feels like her daring to show up and run for president gets her accused of entitlement. Is there anything that she has actually said

I’m just going to pretend I didn’t read any of that about Idris.

So are they trying to portray Biden as reluctant to act the way he did? That’s how it looked it the trailer. I’m curious to see if that’s actually true. But more importantly, KERRY WASHINGTON IS GOING TO SLAY US ALL. I’m so excited for this. Anita Hill is amazing. Kerry Washington is amazing. Clarence Thomas is the