
Where’s the goddamn lie, Motherfucker? I linked the OIG report for your ass. You can read Homegirls emails yourself. She changed shit like an idiot and got caught. Pure and simple.

Be sure to read the actual emails on page 17 of the pdf. She altered the forwarded email without taking into account the fact that at least 2 copies of the original existed (and that’s assuming the original isn’t further saved on devices that she syncs with a la Huma Abedin and Hillary’s emails.) That’s how sloppy of

And to the folks that wanted to scream about there being no receipts. It’s the first thing addressed on the OIG report. It’s so brazen that it’s bonkers that folks are out here defending her. You don’t change official emails. You sure as hell don’t change official emails to receive funding.

I’m not coming at you. Rainey just seems to be pressed by the fact that I’m not going out of my way to shield a “grown ass woman” who broke the law. Hence, why all of a certain “Homegirl” is suddenly a knife to the gut for her. I’m not dealing w/ that tone policing and given all the stuff that I’ve seen my family deal

No fucking information? Caping? I’m sorry, but “The Root” isn’t my only source of information. This scandal has been widely reported and the OIG has been released.

I also feel like this group of teens (due to their diverse racial make-up) won’t be waylaid by racial critiques and bias in the way that groups primarily composed of people of color do. It’s harder to dismiss white teens and expect suburban white women and swing voters to go along with it than it was for BLM, which

I do wonder how the RNC/GOP/NRA are going to try and silence/attack/ignore them. Typically, they do that “mental health is at fault” dance and then neglect to fund mental health services, but these survivors are ready and willing to call them out on that b.s. It just feels different.

Duplicate post.

Change my persona? Exposed? Please what is this shit. I’ve been Kojimoko on this platform since the days of gawker, Mr. Discussions date back to 2018 only. Unsupported attacks? I’ve actually followed the accurate reporting on this scandal. Take your nonsense elsewhere. You’re the one peddling some fantasy about how

No one reporting on this story is actually saying that and an Inspector General has not accused him of that yet.

Pruitt didn’t tamper w/ emails so he could pay for these flights and hasn’t been recommended to the DoJ for prosecution for doing so. Pruitt may straddle an ethical/bad PR line, but unlike Simpson, he has yet to (as far as we know) break the law.

And to the folks getting triggered by “Homegirl”, you can kiss my black ass. HOMEGIRL got her ass fired for some brazen shit in service of that white man and his wife. Unless she tosses his ass under the bus and say that she was pressured to do so, she gets no sympathy from me regardless of the color of her skin.

No ones attacking you. I’m just questioning what seems like a need to downplay this scandal solely because Simpson is black. You ranked minor things above an actual criminal act (falsifying information and emails to swindle the tax payers). Simpson is rightfully out on her ass and she should be prosecuted. Whomever

No ones attacking you. I’m just questioning what seems like a need to downplay this scandal solely because Simpson is black. You ranked minor things above an actual criminal act (falsifying information and emails to swindle the tax payers). Simpson is rightfully out on her ass and she should be prosecuted. Whomever

Nah, fuck that. Pruitt and Linton had the good sense not to break the fucking law. You can wait from everyone to resign/get fired in mass, but I’d rather the heads roll asap. She’s not the first person to be fired in the administration, she’s not going to be the last.

Nah, fuck that. Pruitt and Linton had the good sense not to break the fucking law. You can wait from everyone to resign/get fired in mass, but I’d rather the heads roll asap. She’s not the first person to be fired in the administration, she’s not going to be the last.

Right? The entire premise of this article seems to be “Firing her was wrong and partisan because she was black, but there was just cause to fire her. Hell, before reading this, I thought it was a white person pulling this brazen shit.

Yes, homegirl and if you don’t like that, you can kiss my black ass. She fucked up and got fired as she should.

Nothing partisan about firing a corrupt official. Homegirl lied and falsified emails to allow shulkin and his wife to travel at the taxpayer’s expense. She’s lucky that she escaped without being prosecuted.

If Lois Linton and Scott Pruitt made your list, then the VA guy going on an extended European Vacation on our dime and his CoS illegally changing government records to conceal expenses should as well. We’re talking about federal crimes here that are more serious than any of that “vapid ugly blond”’s idiotic statements