
They’re skating by on the Times’ legacy without doing any of the hard work necessary to maintain it. The moment one criticizes the Times’ coverage of anything, they start to circle the wagons and make intellectually dishonest arguments to dismiss at times valid criticism. Heavens forbid one questions the insane

That was a 10 year ban that expired under GWB in 2004.

(I can’t believe that I’m saying it this, but it’s 2018 so...) Omarosa did warn on Celebrity Big Brother that she’s seen the round up plans and that it was only going to get worse.

How anyone can worship Snyder after “Sucker Punch” is beyond me. I’d bitch about the film, but I really just don’t want to relive any single moment of that shit show.

Are those pics after all that awkward “A part of us was really in love” situation lol? That’s going to be an amazing press tour if they both get asked back. Fisher has a new series w/ Kate Hudson’s brother/the young evil guy from Nashville so I doubt she will be back.

I love Sherald’s work here, but I feel like.... just for the historical record and because of the fact that this is going to be hanging in national galleries until the end of the republic that Michelle’s painting should be much more accurate facially.

Don’t forget to mention that the Republicans had the house and therefore some actual leverage. They still got nothing.

I do think it’s fitting that she would sell out this WH run by a reality star on a reality show. It’s the circle of life. I hope she spills all the tea during her redemption run. She needs to pull a Donna Brazile, without all the verifiable messiness.

I’d fuck Brando in his 20/30s, but Brando in the 1970s is a “Maybe because of his legacy/silver daddy craving” fuck.

Right? Fucking over tax-paying citizens and legal immigrants in order to put on a show for non-legal immigrants is starry-eyed civics class bullshit in a nutshell. The notion that morally good legislative change can come from shutting the government down so long that Paul Ryan’s heart grows 3 sizes and he finally lets

By under control, you mean they limited a feature that they promised from the relaunch and sold as a major part of the previous expansion. Single player housing was a feature that alongside FC housing was hyped up during the pre-launch period of the game. While the game started w/ FC only housing that was initially

Off topic: Bobby, why didn’t you say Megyn Kelly’s name backwards and banish the beast when you were close enough to do so?

I’m only here for the Patriots fans’ comments if this gets crossposted to Deadspin. It’s going to get messier than the comment section on an article that gently critiques Bernie Sanders.

I’d like to think Dr. Phil and Oz are a result of Oprah thinking “Gee, How much shit will these white people eat?” Apparently, the answer is a lot.

He’s a celebrity. If he does a couple of supporting roles in plays or a musical, he will eventually get a tony. The Tonys love a celebrity drop in and if your passable and famous, you’re immediately in contention.

What? Schumer/Pelosi were on “The View” last year talking with a hack like Joy Behar.

Hey now, it wasn’t the man who decided to resign after his colleagues wouldn’t defend him after (6~) allegations. It was the evil women who applied all sorts of womenly pressure and witchcraft to make him do the things that only he could physically do because men are unable to act defiantly in the face of pressure.....

Another actual opinion that people have: Women have to defend their male colleagues after the 6th accusation if they haven’t attacked another man.

I’m sorry, but a morale boost for immigration activists shouldn’t come at the cost of middle class (and lower) government employees and gov. benefit recipients. It just shouldn’t. There’s no reason that a lower level African American Democratic federal employee should risk facing eviction because the Dems want to put

Still waiting for the multitude of news articles about how this is a big problem for Republicans, who haven’t publicly disavowed Wynn and returned his spent money (aka shell out cash from their own pockets as Dems were expected to do.)