
So is it bad because he’s a liberal, northeastern white man who hasn’t accomplished much in his political career or is it bad because Democrats pick him? I feel like it is the latter, because the former didn’t seem to matter much in the gawker/splinter universe over the last couple of years.

“Came out of nowhere” if you don’t follow politics closely. She was the first female governor of SC, a perennial VP shortlister, and was on her way to any position in a Republican administration. Had Romney won in 2012, she would have been a prominent player in his administration. She has been groomed for higher

Legit question: Has anyone ever seen Omarosa, David Clarke, Paris Dennard, and Buckner in the same room?

I find the amount of pushback on this hilarious when the Dems were getting roasted for not continuing the shutdown. Apparantly, Folks can expect people to deal with the ramifications of held paychecks, lost of benefits, and the lack of CHIP for poor children, but funding a stupid wall that will be ineffective and

I think folks that are about to be deported to a foreign country would beg to differ.

I don’t think DACA is going to make republican voters stay home when issues such as taxes, abortions, and guns are at stake. Heck, if anything DACA failing is going to hurt Dems more because of the notion that they weren’t “fighting”, which is idiotic given that they’ve been doing everything that they can to come to a

Because these notions of “selling out” and “not willing to fight” are just divorced from political reality. DACA was rescinded by Trump months ago and permits start to expire in March. It’s not a political bargaining chip because it has next to no value to the Republican party now. DACA, as it existed, ended in 2017.

I get what you’re saying, but a stop in government services+benefits/furloughs of non essential staff and the expiration of CHIP more than likely hurts black women, women of color, black kids, and everyone more than the expiration of DACA will.

The new hotness: Democrats sold out PoC for CHIP.

They weren’t going to abolish it, but the fact that it’s recipients tend to vote blue, didn’t make them pick up the pace. I’d also put DACA as a soft 3-4 in terms of personal issues for people (if even that high). If you connect it to an issue they care about more (i.e. their child’s healthcare during flu season),

I have my issues w/ parts of the Democratic Party, but DACA is the dumbest hill to shutdown the government and die on. The Democratic Party has no power in the House and is the minority party in the Senate. Stopping government services/benefits and furloughing thousands of federal workers in blue states was never

It made the initial shortlist, but probably didn’t have the support/name recognition in the end to make the top 5. Especially if they do preferential balloting and Coco takes a ton of #1 spots. Idk it couldn’t squeeze out an Annie Award nomination either so there might not be a lot of love for the film in general or a

It’s a popular policy, but unless it threatens to hurt them electorally 80% doesn’t mean much. The real question is “Is a legal status for Dreamers going to decide your vote” and that will get you a much lower number. There are things that affect me personally that would turn my vote quicker than DACA would and I’m

And if Trump does that, I will eat my hat. I highly doubt that Mr. “Shithole/Mexico is sending rapists”, Stephen Miller, and the White “Democrats are complicit in Murder by protecting Dreamers” House are going to intervene and take the onus of dealing with the issue back from Congress. There is nothing in their

Yeah, I doubt it, but you can choose to continue believing it. The people that will carry Gillibrand through a primary aren’t going to be upset that she didn’t stand by a man w/ 6+ accusers.

Tbh, the notion that DACA should be the hill that Democrats die on perplexes me to no end. I’m just not sure if there is really enough empathy in this country or competent coverage to make deporting Dreamers such a perilous political decision that the GOP decides to abandon it’s hardliners and work around them and the

Every Senator w/ 2020 aspirations voted against it including Sanders, Warren, and Gillibrand.

I’m not so sure tbh. Ryan seems intent on following the Hastert rule and DACA is a no go for many immigration hardliners in the house. Unlike Boehner, he doesn’t seem willing to pass bills w/ a majority of Democratic support.

They lost most of their leverage when Flake and Graham crossed back over. Shutdown or no shutdown, I don’t think we’re going to get much action absent a departure from the child predator Hastert Rule on DACA until the deportations start and are televised. It’s a popular policy, but there just seems to be little to no

They tried to play her. They know damn well that they would market this to the nines as a huge get from a comedic legend. It wouldn’t be some throwaway special.