
Kinda. Tey tend to repurpose elements like “The Gold Saucer” and Magitek Armor. Kefka’s appearance seems to be a part of the Omega raid series which consists of Omega creating powerful battle simulations using figures from folklore a la Ex Death. It’s pretty much a “We can use any boss from any series” card. My money

Eh, It would be bad politics for the Democrats to appear to be unwilling to continue to fund the government. Shut it down, but don’t appear obstinate and/or gleeful. I know someone is going to retort that it worked for the Republicans, but frankly the media national/local does not cover the Dems like they do

Damn it, Nintendo. I’ve been able to resist buying a Switch since release. (Due to past console habits i.e. buying an Xbox360 solely for “The Last Remnant”, I have a 3 game per console before I buy rule) I was hoping a surprise announcement of a new Story of Seasons and Animal Crossing would push me over the

No mention of whether the Ramuh system has been fixed or updated (Bahamut pls) or whether the second half of the game has been opened up. I think I’ll probably pass. There isn’t much in the FFXIV story that I want to revisit as is.

I wrote a lengthy response w/ multiple points, but it truly comes down to one thing, a senate race, no matter how national the issues are, is still a local race and you have to at least appear to be interested in carrying out the will of the people of the state. Chelsea Manning, as a candidate, has not done one thing

Eh, Chelsea’s running to the left of Bernie Sanders on a similar anti-”establishment” and he could only get 34% of the vote. From that one needs to subtract solid dems that were only voting for Sanders as an alternative to Clinton. She’s running a campaign for rose twitter, not one for the voting public in Maryland.

At least we have confirmation that it’s a joke candidacy.

So she is going for 12% in the Democratic primary instead of 15%. The production values are shit and “both sides” isn’t going to appeal to most Democratic voters in the Trump era. Hell, the last widely known anti-”establishment” candidate that ran there, Senator Sanders, could only squeak out 33% of the primary vote.

Husky, we have to support an appointed state senator who has never won an election. If Nina manages to get elected dog catcher in 2018, maybe we can act like she’s remotely qualified.

Turner was appointed to her seat and then went on the lose a high profile state wide race in Ohio in a whopping landslide. So we’re just handing the Rustbelt back to Trump. Other than her capping for Sanders, she’s just as unqualified (election win wise) as Oprah. Oh wait, Oprah actually managed to back and support a

Don’t worry, she won’t run. As a self made billionaire black women with multiple successful ventures, she doesn’t have the governing experience that somehow comes from giving speeches and naming a few post offices over 30 years. I don’t think she should run because imo she lacks the “political” experience necessary

To be fair, I’d imagine Oprah (building/heading up/appointing people to head up her vast empire) has more governing experience than most Representatives/Senators that people bring up. Governing experience isn’t solely passing legislation, it is for the most part, staffing the federal government with competent people

Cougar Town is the reason that I drink red wine.

They already had to deal w/ various forms of white journalistic fuckery when her father was murdered. I can understand why they wouldn’t be up for round two again so soon.

I thought we all agreed to pretend that Latoya’s singing career never happened.

And just throwing in fantasy shit like the sister with magical/mutant powers. They should have just given her a wand if they were that intent on making her omnipotent.

Be sure to virus scan it. Given it’s profile, it would be idiotic not to expect some nasty bug to be attached to it.

Is Ciro Scotti secretly Philippe Reines or a partisan from Democratic Underground still pissed that after 8(maybe more) accusations of misconduct she refused to blindly defend Franken?

I imagine most vulnerable Republicans, which can be anyone from a +15R district on down, are screaming on the inside when they realize that we are only 5 days into the new year. I hope they enjoyed that nice week(?) long break from the crazy.

One party put noted KKK Elf Jeff Sessions in charge of locking up black folk and keeping them out of college. The other didn’t. OMGZ they’re the same now.