
Is Kevin Brown, the actor who plays Dot Com, okay?

Yeah, but I am sure they didn’t just hand him the card. During a break, a run through, some time some where they would have gone over it.

I’m not trying to defend him, but where it was placed could have easily been where he was holding the card too, the whole card is awful. Is 3rd, 2nd, 1st, out of style?

Here’s a close shot of the card that Harvey misread:

Do citizens of dictators not deserve access to concerts or entertainment? I understand the issues surrounding the source of Minaj’s payment but if she has fans in Angola I think they deserve to watch a show as much as citizens of other countries. Don't punish the citizens for what they don't have control over. Maybe

The amount Kate’s changed the post since the initial publish is staggering - she’s changed her entire “hot take” on the issue.

Yes, it is.

Correct. At the time, the Manhattan Project was a crowning achievement of American scientific superiority. Now it’s a television series that distorts the history for ratings, making the real Manhattan Project just the sort of ugly punch line Kate fell for here. But to Hillary’s generation (and mine), it was a triumph

Perhaps they shouldn’t, but people use the “Manhattan Project” as a metaphor in the way Hillary used it all the time. Obama used it in his 2008 campaign in reference to finding new energy solutions. Not sure if you really hadn’t noticed this usage or are just being obtuse.

It’s fascinating how dense you are.

The Manhattan project mobilized the scientific community to create a horrific weapon, not solve a socio-political problem.

You are taking this WAYYYY too literally. In general parlance, when politicians propose a new Manhattan Project (which they do literally all the fucking time, google it before posting, sheesh), they are not referring to building a new instrument of mass death. They are using the metaphor to refer to bringing

This is the only thing you highlight? She gave a very reasonable response to the question. She said she wasn’t going to force the tech companies to do anything, but was hoping to have a real negotiation with them where the government and companies sit down and figure out a way to give law enforcement access in limited

Kate Knibbs thinks Hillary is referring to the weapon aspect of the Manhattan project rather than mobilizing the scientific community to solve a difficult socio-political problem with scientific and technological advancement. The fuck?

O’Malley has that one issue about the guns, and he simply will not let it go.

If you come at the queen, you best not miss.

Isn’t it pretty important that this isn’t the first time Bernie’s people have been poking their noses where they don’t belong? It’s one thing if the current situation was a one off fluke but if they’ve been peeking into Clinton’s data repeatedly that seems like a bit more of a problem and would explain why the DNC

O’Malley was barely on my radar until that outburst. Shit, dude will not be denied.

Can we just talk about how out for blood Martin O’Malley is tonight? He just shut David Muir and Martha Raditz down.