
Unfortunately, your wrongness is easily demonstrated. On 3, here is one of the audit sheets provided by the Hillary campaign:

You’re right, you’re a conspiracy theorist. Sanders’ campaign fucked up and got caught. That’s the long and short of it. Sanders supporters are really starting to rely on some crazy theories to explain his (inevitable) loss.

No one expected Sanders to go anywhere in his campaign, yet in some states he is beating Hillary.

A lot of inaccuracies in this story.

I guess this is what being an Old is all about, but the Bernie supporters sounding off now with their crazy anti-Hillary raving (I’m not talking about legit differences of opinion here, I mean the folks who think there’s no difference between Hillary and the GOP) sound exactly like the crazed anti-Hillary folks back

I’ve always mainly leaned toward Clinton, but Sanders was like a shiny artisan choice. Not any more. I’m all in for Hillary now, so goodbye Bernie.

Solidified my impression of him as another cranky old man having an attack of the cranky-pants? Check.

Yaaas! Utada Hikaru - simple and clean brought back the feels

“the recent grad of Moody Bible Institute” is “serious about finding himself a woman,” but he’ll be keeping things PG until a special gal puts a ring on it. Renoe “says he’s still going to wait for his honeymoon to tear up his v-card.”

We’ve been shitting on that Abby chick all week for being a mediocre white girl, but now we insist a talented black girl couldn’t POSSIBLY write and compose her own album. A talented black girl couldn’t POSSIBLY be the creator of her own destiny or anything.

It was cool to bob our heads to “whip my head” and “21st

I find it annoying that you INSIST that a 15 year old girl can’t do things on her own.

S.E.Hinton was 15 when she wrote the Outsiders a book that won many awards. But god forbid a 15 year old girl who was probably in the studio with her dad when she was 5 and could have been learning her craft at a very young age.

It’s even quite interesting and experimental. At least, somebody who already has money and doesn’t do a mainstream boring R&B or Lady gaga type record. She is going for Grimes, Lorde or FKa twigs, and that’s good. We need less shitty commercial songs.

This! I swear when some people don’t like an artist they tend to doubt their creative output. People on here do the same thing to Taylor Swift if someone says they produced an album and wrote it I believe them until proven otherwise

I love Willow’s music. Discovered her soundcloud account a while back and she’s been dropping tunes there for a while.

And you’re still here why? If you’re going to bitch this much, maybe you’d be better off elsewhere - it’ll keep your ulcer under control that way.

No need to hang out here if the content just makes you fussy! Have a lovely weekend.

I think you misspelled “racists” twice there.

I’d be worried about the performance of the rich kids whose parents hovered over every homework assignment, paid for special tutors and coaches at every turn and hired consultants for the college application process to get them into schools that would be beyond their reach.