
Are adult performers organized? Given the vulnerability of the workers, it seems like a no-brainer that they’d form at least an association to enforce a minimum acceptable level of professional conduct while at the workplace.

I respect whatever ND is doing here and that they selected what they thought was the most appropriate talent. I just also wish, bigger picture, that more people of color got paying opportunities in a field they’re not always super visible in, even in times when a role might suit them.

They do these yearly shows in what is basically an airplane hanger with the actors moving from set to set. There really isn't anywhere to put an audience.

Excuse me, ‘Honest,’ but are you new here? Should this action by Republican Sharia extremists be ignored? Presumably not, and having written about it this site — and Anna in particular — are paid to editorialize on the content.

Well, being head of PR at Konami has probably been a nightmare of a job recently, so I guess she deserves some recognition for not going insane yet.

Are you fucking kidding me with that Luthor performance? You’re playing LEX LUTHOR, Eisenberg, not the goddamn Joker.

Now playing

I perfer Tim Russ’ explanation of The Star Wars

When do people like you recognize that not liking superhero movies is a sign of just having different tastes in entertainment as people do and not a badge of sophistication that gives you greater insight into the wicked capitalist machine?

I just love that you used the phrase “since Khloe assimilated”

Unfortunately, that's already happened multiple times in these comments alone.

I just found out that I’ve got a nonviable pregnancy. Reading this Dirt Bag about Kim K and Hayden makes me just so much more in awe that even pregnancies that do make it all the way can be so friggin difficult. This sucks.

Yes. Who has more power and/or influence? Don't be lazy.

Soooo we’re gonna get a bunch of articles about freedom of the press and how terrible it is to keep a reporter out of a huge news story right? Like when it happened at Mizzou, it should be even worse and cause more outrage when it is the government and police doing the baring, right?

Her kids are older now, no? I am loving that she won’t be on TV any longer (even though I don’t watch to begin with) but suspect her reason is BS.

The argument is basically just that white gays have completely forgotten that much of the privilege they enjoy was accomplished by riding on the backs of trans women of color.

Well, then he’d have to acknowledge than not all people under the age of 25 are the same, and isn’t that kind of the premise of his asshat statement anyhow?

So is Glenn Reynolds unfamiliar with the rest of our electorate, then? A sizable portion of whom think the earth is 6,000 years old? And that black people have more opportunities than white people? And who could not name a single current cabinet member? Sure, Glenn, it’s the youngins who are the problem.

Lol. Poor, marginalized men, who don’t have any power.