
So, in the US, if your kid were to be in an auto accident, and the ER and trauma surgeons did everything they could, but couldn’t save her? You could expect to be presented with a bill when you came to identify or collect the body. While I think everyone should be paid for their work, I find it pretty vulgar.

If you can get your hands on the DVDs (or stream it) the show ER does a pretty good job at showing what it was like pre ACA (Obamacare). Not a whole lot has changed with regards to paying for care, but things like people asking doctors to lie about diagnoses until New insurance kicks in doesn’t really happen anymore

My brain hurts trying to figure out how feminism prevented him from being asked the the Sadie Hawkins dance.

I find that mild excercise helps, but I can’t emphasize the mild part enough. If I overdo it, I pay for weeks. Overdoing it can mean something as simple as going to a fair or amusement park with my family and standing in line half the time for rides.

Logging in just to yell “SHOULD HAVE!!!!!”

That’s why you spend the few extra dollars for travel insurance.

I don’t like the Star Spangled Banner. I think America the Beautiful would make a much better anthem.

As a parent, I disagree. It is 100% my responsibility to raise my children with the moral and ethical compass calibrated to “don’t assault people.”

No one asked the media to ignore it. But they couldn’t take an hour or two five days out from the Superbowl to cover this press conference?

We call that the “creeping crud”. I get it every year, usually around September or October, and it sucks.

My OB and PCP both insisted I get mine during my pregnancies. I chose to have it done at my PCP office with my Tdap booster so that all my records were in one office. My kids have also had all theirs at that office, which meant putting up with eye rolls when I declined the HepB at the hospital. Since my kids were low

That fly is ready to sell you a quality used car.

Golden Girls?

I would be ashamed to count such a hateful person as a friend.

Two people with half a brain between them.

Did he not make enough off those Monsters franchise roles? It’s not like he hasn’t had steady work since Roseanne.

I got some buttons in a gift exchange. Some were band logos, some were slogans. I made sure I knew what they represented before I put them on my jacket and wore them out and about.

It’s no consolation, I’m sure, but corporations do the same thing to older employees. Honeywell in particular somehow finds faults in the work of previously exemplary employees right after they turn 50...

Only 36 are for him. The other 36 are for his wife who prefers the vastly superior Charmin.

Is Ft Worth one of those cities where it hardly ever rains, so when you get a mist on the road, it turns into a big oil slick from all the oil that builds up on the road between rains? That is a problem in Phoenix, and despite the reminders on the TV and radio forecasts, we always get idiots that think they can still