All of which I prefaced by saying the evidentiary backing was based upon suggestive evidence, and not scientifically established fact.
All of which I prefaced by saying the evidentiary backing was based upon suggestive evidence, and not scientifically established fact.
I made no such statement.
and as someone who has also done both and competed at a high level in wrestling, I’m aware of how they feel different. As someone in the medical field, that doesn’t put you in a position to factually tell people the long-term effects of MMA blows either on their own or vs other sports - because again, we don’t know…
Hi Dana. Thanks for stopping by Kinja.
Wait why wouldn’t it be lubed?
Yeah, he rolled off the throttle, then covered the front brake, and then awhile after that, when the car had already been in his lane for a few seconds, it looked like he finally squeezed it. He might be one of those riders (usually Harley riders like him) who thinks the rear brake does most of the stopping and had…
In advance, I’ve been riding motorcycles most of my life - looking at the video like 3 times... it doesnt even look like the rider tried to adjust his course or even grab apply much pressure to his brake lever. Bike didnt unsettle what so ever. Inexperienced rider?
The accident is the fault of the dingus who decided to illegally pull out into the HOV lane across a solid line in front of clearly oncoming traffic (the biker), but good lord, don’t ride a motorcycle or drive a car at 80 MPH (watch his speedometer) in a lane next to traffic going about 20 MPH slower.
A good captain works in concert with the cabin manager. Of course in operational matters the captain decides, but when it comes to the passengers the cabin manager is the expert.
If you have a child with a severe peanut allergy, THE PARENT should have an epi pen. Think about it, would you expect the airline to have a dispensary and pharmacist/nurse on every flight to cover every sickness/disease? Your plane ticket would be $10,000.
I wouldn’t call it that. I mean, I suppose you could call any disagreement by any of the super (super, super) rich that..
Oh, I have those people too; I’ve helped dozens of people who have no idea how to turn off the flash on their camera or even their phone. I’m talking about people being surprised that we don’t allow flash photography.
stop describing niceties as necessities
The warring factions in the GOP is seriously giving me life right now.
Big manly man Donald Trump is such a macho tough guy that instead of facing Paul Ryan down, he uses a *gasp* woman as a surrogate to tell him to resign via TV.
Oh hell no, whiskey isn’t strong enough by a damn sight. I am very glad I have no memory of ANY of my three surgeries, which involved many extra openings cut in my body and doctors literally running their hands through my guts. I DO remember them putting on the anesthesia mask for my first surgery and thinking to…
As a Board Certified Private Practice Anesthesiologist working in a hospital, what you are saying is pure fiction! My whole group and I would be shown the door extremely quickly if we were not in-network for ever insurance that the hospital is in-network. In fact, it is a requirement of our contract with the…