
For Pete’s sake. This article sounds like something a restaurant industry trade association PR flack would write, not something that a senior editor of a tech site should have been allowed to put out. I’m not a fan of Seamless, but shouldn’t the answer be better alternatives, more price transparency, and fairer

I don’t mean to be a dick about this but if more places put a little time and thought into their websites, they could still compete with online ordering. Shit, dominos makes awful pizza but I order from them with some regularity because I can do it with a couple taps on my phone. Oh and they charge a delivery fee that

My dog (RIP) would have eaten the box also.

Yeah, I kind of swing between pity and “what did you fucking expect you fucking thundercunt?!”

Because yeah, men like him can and do convince women that they’ve changed so this one will be different, and systematic mental and emotional abuse can and will make you doubt your own everything.

However, it’s not exactly tiny...

the lawyer knows you intend to commit perjury (my bet)

I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the idea that he was asking them to commit a crime of some sort. I mean how many other people keep walking right into what looks like obstruction of justice?

If history is any indication, all four of those scenarios are typical Trumpian behaviors.

My understanding is that lawyers aren’t just allowed to drop clients willy nilly. There have to be valid reasons. Typically those reasons are

The quality of a movie is not necessarily related to how well it performs at the box office in China. The Transformers movies are huge hits there, for instance...

Look at the dialogue, the body language, and the fact he’s offering a hand to shake. Unless the endless drama of living until the very end has broken Frank’s resolve... that’s Deadpool joking that he’s The Punisher.

58%? It’s hard for me to believe that more than half the guys I know are looking for someone else to bone their wives. Like you’d figure it’d come up—awkwardly—in drunk conversation somewhere at least once (or am I misinterpreting that number?).

But Dancing Baby was just a gif, no? AYB was an actual video.

So that’s what the Fox News bubble looks like. Thanks for that.

You’re fucking retarded

Cmon now, this headline is irresponsible. Clearly “All Your Base Are Belong to Us” was the first viral video ever.

I’m firmly on Team They’re All Assholes.

they’re the chinese knock off of the yakuza i presume

An event with a judge involved who does anything other than enforce rules is not a sport but an exhibition.

Question, not sure if anyone knows the answer... Does the Windows patch also somehow manage to fix the terrible previous update? I’m more than a little worried that I won’t be able to patch the vulnerability mentioned here because my laptop is constantly trying to download and install KB4054517 literally every single